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So many things happen at ABIS and we love to share!
Healthy Choices…

Healthy Choices…

Dear Parents Students have been learning about healthy and unhealthy foods. We have also discussed the negative effects of sugar and excess fats. All students have been working on making healthy choices at home for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  

Grade 9 Individuals and Societies

Grade 9 Individuals and Societies students are off to a great start this school year!  It has been a real pleasure to get to know them as students.  We are in full swing with our first unit of inquiry which examines the Interwar Years, or the period between the world...

G4 Week 7 – Everyday people can be Role Models

G4 Week 7 – Everyday people can be Role Models

Hello Families and friends, Empathy happened to be our theme this week and we are concluding this week with a ‘Feel-good’ feeling. For photos from this week, please see this link. What we did in Week 7 Math: Students are continuing to work on place value concepts....

Field Trip to Fizah

Field Trip to Fizah

The highlight of this week was undoubtably the Grade 5 field trip to the village of Fizah. This was to help us explore our Central Idea that: Communities can advocate for their own and others rights and responsibilities.' Fizah is the community where Ms. Eiman and her...

Week 7

Week 7

Through our unit of inquiry ‘Who we are’ the children have deepened their understanding that even though we are all unique, we all have different roles and responsibilities that help us to work cohesively together. This week they have been utilizing both their social...

Study by playing and passion for learning.    G 1    الدراسة باللعب وشغف التعلم

Study by playing and passion for learning. G 1 الدراسة باللعب وشغف التعلم

Using multiple strategies to teach the Arabic language with grade1 makes them learn with passion, and studying their mother tongue becomes interesting and pleasant. استخدام استراتيجيات متعددة لتدريس اللغة العربية مع الصف الأول يجعلهم يتعلمون بكل شغف ، وتصبح دراسة...

Service as Action – Grade 9 advisory class.

In support of Takaful Charity located in Sohar. Up until October break, Grade 9 will be collecting school supplies.  (glue sticks, pairs of scissors, pens and pencils, colours, pencil cases, highlighters, sharpeners, erasers) There will be boxes in the 3 atriums in...

إحياء بعض السنن المهجورة في ذكرى المولد النبوي في الصف الرابع والخامس والسادس

إحياء بعض السنن المهجورة في ذكرى المولد النبوي في الصف الرابع والخامس والسادس

مع اقتراب ذكرى المولد النبوي الشريف قمنا بإحياء بعض السنن المهجورة لممارستها في حياتنا اليومية وإعادة إشراقها في حياتنا اليومية مثل التيمن في كل الأمور كما كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يفعل واتفقنا بالإكثار من الصلاة الإبراهيمية في هذه الأيام على خير البشر وسيد...

خبز ولبن في الصف الرابع

خبز ولبن في الصف الرابع

قام طلبة الصف الرابع في حصة اللغة العربية بتطبيق عملي لدرس خبز ولبن وافتتحنا يومنا بوجبة عمانية صحية من وجباتنا المتوارثة خبز ولبن  وتعرف الطلبة لكيفية عملها وتناولها بين محب لها وبين من يتذوقها أول مرة وبين من لم يستسيغ له طعمها وعشنا لحظات من ماضي البيوت العمانية...

Have a great long weekend!

We have been working hard this week to write instructions for the pumping heart experiment. The students thought carefully about being specific about their instructions so that someone else could follow them. We have also been thinking about the Approaches to Learning...

2023 2024 G6N Week 6 in Review

2023 2024 G6N Week 6 in Review

Dear Parents and Students, A short week but a busy one culminating in a long weekend in recognition and celebration of The anniversary of the Prophet Mohammed's Birth. We have been busy this week and invite you to click on the link below to review Grade 6 in pictures...

The Head's Blog

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