For 6 weeks now, Grade 9 science students have been exploring the unit on acids and bases around us and the impacts on our environment. At the onset, we assessed  some misconceptions surrounding acids and bases, some of which included the notion that acids and bases are chemicals that are only found in the laboratory. The students researched and did presentations on acidic and basic products used in everyday life especially at home. They have designed and analyzed different neutralization reactions involving acids and bases in the laboratory. Their criterion D summative assessment focused on the impact of acid rain on terrestrial and aquatic life and the students showcased their learning by coming up with engaging podcasts, infographics while others anchored a breaking news scene on impact of acid rain. To evaluate their learning, skill acquisition and academic achievement, the students have sat for their criterion A Summative assessment. As we sum up the unit and students prepare for their October break they will be engaged in project based learning activities. This week, they took advantage of the natural ability of red cabbage juice to perform as a pH indicator to test the pH of seven common household liquids. They then evaluated the accuracy of the red cabbage indicator, by testing the pH of the liquids using pH indicator strips.