Week 31

Thank you to those of you that were able to attend the Student-led conferences this week. These conferences allow the children to think independently, rather than following a set of given instructions. It is a significant opportunity for our young learners to take...

Week 30

As this school week comes to a close I would like to send my best wishes to you and your families during the unprecedented weather conditions. Thank you all for your dedication to supporting your child with their home learning activities. Your steadfast efforts are...

Week 28

Respecting one another and supporting our peers is a continuous theme in Grade 1. Opportunities to inspire others and build connections leads to a collaborative learning community. Each child’s journey in school is unique to them and we strongly encourage integrity...

Week 27

Throughout this week, we’ve been employing standard units of measurement to precisely gauge the lengths of various materials within our school environment. By incorporating centimeters and meters into our mathematical vocabulary as needed, we’ve utilized...

Week 26

Throughout this week, our focus has been on exploring non-standard units of measurement by utilizing various materials available in our learning space. Our objective is to develop the skill of estimating object lengths and measuring them accurately, emphasizing the...