The highlight of this week was undoubtably the Grade 5 field trip to the village of Fizah. This was to help us explore our Central Idea that: Communities can advocate for their own and others rights and responsibilities.’ Fizah is the community where Ms. Eiman and her family live and students had the opportunity to interview the Shaikh of Fizah using questions they had prepared beforehand. As we have been focused on building the Grade 5 learning community through our Who We Are Unit of Inquiry, it gave students an opportunity to find out how another community operates and how problems and disputes are dealt with.

During the visit to Fizah students had the opportunity to visit Fizah Fort and hear the role that it played in defending the local area from attacks from enemies in the past. The enjoyed the hospitality of the Fizah community as they entered the community Majlis, where they interviewed the Shaikh and then enjoyed some wonderful food and drinks that had been prepared for them. Next stop was to visit the house of the Shaikh where they were greeted by the Shaikha and enjoyed the sumptuous reception area. They then had an opportunity to explore the falaj system in the village and cool off a bit in the crystal clear waters. Finally they visited the family farm and were shown around before taking advantage of the indoor are to eat their lunch before returning to school. All trip photos can be found: HERE.

In language students have been researching for information about their chosen activist and seeing how a biography is put together. They also learned about ‘Burgerlicious’ paragraphs and tips to hook a reader. In maths students learned how to use exponents to name place value units, and explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point.

We wish you all a relaxing weekend. Team G5