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So many things happen at ABIS and we love to share!Service As Action – Special mention
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate two of our Grade 10 students for completing the Service as Action component of the MYP. What these two young ladies achieved is no small feat, considering the demanding expectations of the last year of MYP. Service...
رمضان والقرآن في الصف الخامس
افتتح الصف الخامس شهر الخير والقرآن بنفحات من الشهر الكريم وتعاهدنا على ختم القرآن خلال هذا الشهر العظيم بتلاوة تلفها السكينة والرحمة بتدبر وتفهم، بحيث نتواصل مع بعضنا خلال أسابيع الشهر الفضيل وتحديد الجزء المقروء لتزيد علاقتنا بالكتاب الكريم ونوثقها ونتعهدها فتحسن...
Week 26 in Grade 2SA
This week has been so much fun. The children have enjoyed working on their poems. We went for a senses walk in the farm and then wrote about it. We are continuing fractions and time in math. Have a great weekend! This week's video
رمضان في الصف السادس
افتتح الصف السادس شهر الخير والقرآن بنفحات من الشهر الكريم وتعاهدنا على ختم القرآن خلال هذا الشهر العظيم بتلاوة تلفها السكينة والرحمة بتدبر وتفهم، بحيث نتواصل مع بعضنا خلال أسابيع الشهر الفضيل وتحديد الجزء المقروء لتزيد علاقتنا بالكتاب الكريم ونوثقها ونتعهدها فتحسن...
All the languages of the world pronounce your name, ‘Mother’, and their lips embrace and call out to you, ‘Oh Mother’.
All the languages of the world pronounce your name, 'Mother', and their lips embrace and call out to you, H A P P Y M O T H E R 'S D A Y كل لغات العالم تنطق باسمك أمي وتضم شفاها وتنادي أمي ...
ABIS Students Organize Inaugural Model United Nations Conference
Last Saturday, the ABIS Model United Nations club held a highly successful event as we welcomed approximately 15 delegates on campus for the first ever ABISMUN Conference. This included visiting delegates from other schools and provided an opportunity for many lesser...
Flight inspires scientific innovation.
I hope to see you at this evening’s iftar during this auspicious time of year 🙂 Please take some time to check out G6 W26 in Pictures by adding, downloading, or just browsing through all of the sights and sounds throughout the week. School Events - Important Dates...
Grade 9 Science- Criterion A summative: Upcoming B,C summatives
During this week, ninth-grade science students have been actively involved in their criterion A summative assessments following the conclusion of the physics unit focusing on the societal impacts of electricity and magnetism. Throughout the course of next week the...
Grade 8: Science / Math-Summative and formative Assessments.
Assessment is integral to all teaching and learning at ABIS. MYP Science assessment requires teachers to assess the prescribed subject-group objectives using the assessment criteria. In order to provide students with opportunities to achieve at the highest level, we...
What’s up in Grade 2SB?
This week we have continued to write poetry, working on using our senses and colours to describe things in the world around us. We have challenged ourselves to expand our vocabulary by using new verbs and adjectives for adding description to our poems. While writing...
Visual Art Display
There is currently a mini display of Art in the LC3 atrium - showing work from both the MYP & PYP students at ABIS. The photo below shows Grade 9 Identity work and Grade 6 Pattern work. We think that it is very important to celebrate our students artistic...
Exploring Endangered Animals
Happy Mother's Day in Oman, we are so happy to have you all as part of our Grade 5 community and hope that you enjoy being celebrated today. Mums, we hope you got a lovely surprise with the wonderful poetry that was written for you today to celebrate your special day!...
Week 26
Throughout this week, our focus has been on exploring non-standard units of measurement by utilizing various materials available in our learning space. Our objective is to develop the skill of estimating object lengths and measuring them accurately, emphasizing the...
IT’S Time..
Dear Parents Students are currently learning to tell the time. We have been practicing and completing some fun activities.
I read, therefore I grow.أنا أقرأ ، فأنا أنمو
Reading in elementary school builds strong foundations for learning and enriches the child's imagination, making it a key to their mental and creative growth. القراءة في مرحلة الابتدائية تبني الأسس القوية للتعلم وتثري خيال الطفل، فهي مفتاح لنموه العقلي والإبداعي...
Week 26
In Grade 1, we've embarked on a daily reading journey that is capturing the hearts and imaginations of our students every single day. The joy and enthusiasm they bring to their reading time are truly beautiful! Reading is not just a classroom activity; it's an...
Ramadan & next Thursday Iftar
Dear Parents, Ramadan Kareem to all! I extend my best wishes to everyone observing Ramadan, hoping this sacred month brings joy and serenity to each of you. Following a rainy weekend, Monday welcomed us back to school with clear skies and sunshine, a refreshing...
Ramadan Kareem from Grade 3
Ramadan Kareem to everyone who is observing this special time of year. Grade 3 is adjusting to the new timetable and working hard to finish their learning activities. We have started our new unit of inquiry this week and have been connecting our learning by finding...
Ahlan Ramadan أهلا رمضان
With increased joy and spirituality, the first and third-grade students welcomed the holy month of Ramadan. We organized a religious lecture on the virtues of fasting, and the students prepared beautiful class decorations that brought joy to their hearts. بمزيد من...
The culture of reading plants seeds of knowledge and creativity in the minds of elementary school children.
Reading builds minds and opens horizons for thinking, expressing, and creativity المطالعة تزرع بذور المعرفة والإبداع في عقول الأطفال في المرحلة الابتدائية
G4 WEEK 25: Embracing Anarchy & Vandalism
Hey All To all who are fasting and maintaining their commitments during this sacred time, kudos to you. And kudos to all of us for adapting to the changes in the schedule and the corresponding updates as they came at different points this week. Highlights: Unit of...
The Head's Blog
School Photographs 14-15 October 2014
On Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th of October 2014 Lensman Studios will be back at ABIS to take lovely pictures of all students. Like in previous years there will be several packages available. wallet size copies Individual portrait of size 6” x 8” individual portrait...
Houses, coffee and After School Activities
Week two in the Primary School has been buzzing with lively anticipation as children have settled into routines and work has started in earnest. It has been especially nice to watch new students settle in – smiling at everyone, saying hello and developing friendships...
Welcome back… we’ve missed you!
It has been great to see everyone and get the school year started. Schools without children are very empty places! I came across an article that I found very useful as a Dad and thought I would share it with you. The title is pretty self explanatory; "25 Ways to Ask...
Tomorrow’s Meeting is for new Students!
Just a quick reminder to say that school for returning students start school on Monday. New Students have been invited to meet their teachers tomorrow between 14:00 and 16:00. See you all on Monday!
Some more playground photos!
Thought you'd like to see how we're getting on!
The summer is drawing to an end and I hope you all had a lovely summer holiday, seeing family and visiting friends. Here however, the school has not rested and we are pleased to announce that our new and improved playground is well under way, with equipment arriving...
Primary Teachers for this school Year
With a few days to go, a special announcement that I am sure will please many is that teacher allocations and locations in the Primary School have been finalised. Our teachers from K1-grade 1 remain the same: Miss Celine, Miss Marie B, Miss Liezel and Miss Marie U in...
ABIS 2014 Annual Report
The ABIS 2014 Annual Report is now available! This year we have delayed the release date slightly so that we can include a more complete picture of all the things that have happened throughout the year and include the results of our survey. We hope you find it...
ABIS Expansion Update
Below please find the text of a letter sent yesterday to all families by the Chair of the ABIS Board regarding expansion plans... Dear parents, We are very happy to announce that, after an extended period of discussion and planning, Sohar Aluminium and Orpic have just...
Yearbooks are here!
We're happy to announce that the 2013-14 ABIS yearbooks have arrived and they look fantastic--over 240 pages of student memories and events from the last ten months. Order your book before noon on Thursday and you'll get the special reduced price. After that the...
IMPORTANT: End of Year Survey
Please take a few minutes to complete our parent questionnaire! Last year we manage to get just over 60% of our parents to fill out our End of Year Survey and this year we're on a mission to try and beat this! Please spend 5 minutes in the next couple of weeks...
Fine Arts Evening
Come and join us for an evening of fun and inspiration - a celebration of the Arts. We will be holding this special event, as scheduled, on Thursday, June 19 at 6.30pm There will be singing and dancing by Performing Arts students and a wonderful exhibition from Visual...