This week we have continued to write poetry, working on using our senses and colours to describe things in the world around us. We have challenged ourselves to expand our vocabulary by using new verbs and adjectives for adding description to our poems. While writing our poems, we have worked in teams to investigate the use of thesauruses and dictionaries to locate sense words.

We are finishing up our fraction unit today and moving on to time next week. Please continue to support your child’s understanding of fractions by asking them questions about objects or items using the terms half, halves, fourths and quarters. We have also practised book talks by identifying the total number of objects in an array by thinking about skip counting or repeated addition. These maths’ talks are designed to help students understand rows and columns and to apply skip counting and repeated addition. Today, we practised estimating glass gems in a jar. Encouraging estimation skills enriches students’ understandings of mathematics. Good estimation skills go hand in hand with good number sense and mathematical thinking.

For our UOI this week, we have connected how we learn to our daily experiences, colours and senses and how these can develop our learning and understanding about the world around us.

Please see this week’s reading strategy below:


Please see photos here.