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Find out what's happening at ABIS!

So many things happen at ABIS and we love to share!
Swimming Practice

Swimming Practice

Ther students are practising their swimming, ready for the gala on Thursday 27th February. Today we went to Sohar Fort to see a real archeological dig. The students were curious and asked great questions. The team started the dig last year and will come back next year...

2A News Flash!!!

2A News Flash!!!

Weekly Photos Here Unit 2, Where We Are in Place and Time has come to an end. We will continue recording presentations for the upcoming assembly on February 20th. I can't wait for you all to see their beautiful houses and appreciate the students' hard work. Next week...

Mock exams finished

It's been an intense week and a half, but our seniors have made it through their mock exams. Well done! On Sunday, February 16th, the students will receive their results from the mock exams. This will be given to them in person in a sealed envelope. The idea is to...

تواصل حلقات التربية الإسلامية في الصف الخامس

تواصل حلقات التربية الإسلامية في الصف الخامس

شارك طلبة الصف الخامس في حلقة التربية الإسلامية بالشرح المفصل للدرس العملي الجمع بين صلاتين وتوقفوا بشغف عند شرح جملة الدين الإسلامي دين يسر فرحين بالمعنى العميق للجمله التي تم شرحها، وأفضنا الوقوف عند أنواع الجمع بين صلاتين في الدين الإسلامي، وخرجنا من الجانب العمالي...

الصف الأول الابتدائي

الصف الأول الابتدائي

أبدع طلاب الصف الأول في كتابة كلمات الإملاء بداية عن طريق الألعاب  ومن ثم في كتابتها  حبرا على ورق ،  وتميزوا . بالحصول على درجات تامة  ونهائية ، بوركت...

Identity in Art

Identity in Art

Grade 7 art students explored the Key Concept of Identity by analyzing a famous portrait of their choice and reinterpreting it through their own artistic self-portrait. To begin, they took five photographs that reflected their unique identity while incorporating...

House we built for a biome

This week students in Grade 2 showcased their research, group and presentation skills. They worked together to finish up building their model homes, completed their research paper which included the method of building their homes. They worked collaboratively to...

All Change!

All Change!

IMPORTANT! All main bags for the Muscat Trip must be brought to school on Sunday. (This will be the bag with their clothes for Tuesday & Wednesday, nightwear and toiletries) This allows the custodians to load the bags onto the buses for us before 8am. We are...

Grade 3 Archeologist!

Grade 3 Archeologist!

Dear Parents We had a fascinating visit to the Sohar Fort to see real archeologist working to uncover mysteries from Oman's past. Our students asked many questions and tried to dig for their own Artefacts!

This week in Music

Dear Parents, This week, our students demonstrated their musical talents through formative assessments in their music lessons. I was very pleased with the quality of work produced and the progress shown by all. It's wonderful to see their dedication and creativity...

The Head's Blog

Enjoy the weekend!

Dear parents, To those observing the birthday anniversary of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), I extend my warmest wishes to you and your family. On Thursday, September 28, 2023, both the public and private sectors in the Sultanate of Oman will observe an official holiday. We...

A shorter week and more

Dear parents, This week was shorter than usual due to a professional learning day for our staff, focused on improving teaching and learning. Next week we expect an official holiday towards or at the end of the week to mark the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be...

Thanks and more

Dear Parents, I hope this message finds you well. Another week has passed, and I am pleased to report that everything is running smoothly in our classrooms. Despite the lingering heat outside, our students continue to enjoy their outdoor playtime. To ensure their...

New students, pool update and gravel

Dear Parents, It has been a productive week for both our teachers and enthusiastic students as they settle into the new academic year. I've had the pleasure of visiting various classes, witnessing engaging interactions, and observing the remarkable work being...

Parent night, Parent Committee, and the pool

Dear parents, The week has concluded on a positive note, thanks to a successful turnout of parents visiting their child's' teachers last night. We intend to organize more of these events throughout the year, providing opportunities for parents to engage with teachers....

New school year

Dear parents and students, We've returned to school after a refreshing summer break, and it's heartwarming to witness the campus filled with students and teachers once again. The past week has been exceptionally positive, with classrooms brimming with energy and...

A new academic year

Dear parents and students, I look forward to the return of all students to school on Sunday. The Senior Management team and I will be present at the main gates, ready to extend a warm welcome to both students and parents. Should you have any questions about your...

End of the year

Dear parents, Today marks the end of a remarkable year, and we are very pleased that we have finally returned to a sense of normalcy. The events and activities throughout this year have showcased ABIS's unwavering commitment to our students and the community. During...

Assembly, contracts, library and survey.

Dear parents, This afternoon we witnessed a wonderful school assembly featuring the KG 1 and KG 2 students. They gave excellent performances and I congratulate the students and their teachers for giving us such a great assembly. Please note that library books are all...

Assembly, admissions and more

Dear parents, As we approach the final four weeks of the academic year, it's important to address any potential stress or pressure your child may be experiencing due to tasks and assessments. Please take the time to have a conversation with your child and ensure their...

Admissions, examinations and more

Dear parents, Admissions for the upcoming year are now open, and we kindly ask all parents to look out for a letter that will be sent to you early next week, inviting you to re-join our school community. We also encourage you to spread the word among your friends and...