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Find out what's happening at ABIS!

So many things happen at ABIS and we love to share!
Healthy bodies

Healthy bodies

This week we went to Sohar Medical University to learn more about the heart and lungs. We even saw some real organs and noticed that they were not pink because there was no blood in them! In maths, we practised estimating and measuring, making sure we knew the correct...

Personal Project

Dear Parents, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to provide you with an update on the students' progress in their personal projects. As a reminder, the personal project is an ongoing process that will culminate in a final product. The students have now met...

Research, biographies and new students!

Research, biographies and new students!

We have welcomed 4 new students into our class over the past week or so. Please welcome Hilal, Wasaif, Chaea, and Ananya to our wonderful Grade 5 ABIS community! Their peers have been taking great care of them ensuring that they get from class to class and showing...

5th week in 1C!

5th week in 1C!

This week, in our fifth week of school, students have made great progress in their literacy and math centers. They are rotating between centers smoothly and taking more responsibility for cleaning up. We’ve introduced loose parts in the literacy center, encouraging...

Week 5

Week 5

This week, two Grade 4 students visited our class to teach us all about recycling—what can and can't be recycled, and how to tell the difference. Thanks to them, we now know how to check packaging to see if it’s recyclable. We’ve also learned where the recycling bins...

Important dates

Dear Parents, It’s been a good week for me, as I’ve been at the gate each morning greeting students and parents. This has reminded me how important it is for everyone to know that they are always welcome to approach me for a conversation. It's also nice to be able to...


In topic C, we explored mechanical waves, like sound and water waves, and electromagnetic waves, like light and radio waves. We investigated key concepts like wave speed, wavelength, frequency, and the principle of superposition. Understanding waves helps us grasp how...

End of unit projects in French MYP

French students in the MYP have started working on their end of unit project. An end of unit project is a great opportunity for students to work collaboratively, use the language of the unit in a more authentic way and practice being a risk taker while communicating...

The Head's Blog

Grade 9 are Master Chefs!

As part of our MYP Design course, Grade 9 have been learning how to design and create extraordinary food together. To day we created a wonderful 4 course meal in 45 minutes (and a great deal of work in advance). We building up to serving a full menu to VIP guests at...

Goodbyes & hellos

At this time of year we always have a series of goodbyes (and hellos) and this year is no exception. This year, there are a number of teachers who have decided head back home, all of them after extended periods of working as international teachers. Isgak and Rayda...

Staffing Update

We are writing to let you know that for health reasons, Ms Ann Galliard will stopping work at ABIS We would like to thank Ann for all her commitment to the school and wish her good health for the future. Sebastien will be finishing the year as usual to ensure that...


Dear ABIS Families, Although we are coming to the end of this school year, the Community Council has organized one final event: The ABIS Community Iftaar. As Ramadan is a chance for families to gather together, it seems fit- ting that our ABIS family take the...

ABIS Community Outreach

On Friday the 10th of May, a group of students and staff went out into our Sohar community to hand out Hampers to less fortunate families. It was a good team effort driving from home to home delivering items we purchased with the money raised at our International day...