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So many things happen at ABIS and we love to share!
2023-24: G6 Week 35 in Review

2023-24: G6 Week 35 in Review

Dear Parents and Students, Good afternoon and welcome to the end of week 35 of 38. There are now only three weeks until your children, our students, move up from grade 6 to become grade 7 students. This week in numeracy students have reviewed their Math assessments...

A good week

Dear Parents, Today, we enjoyed a wonderful Grade 3-6 assembly, where students showcased their learning in various impressive ways. Congratulations to all the students and their teachers for making this a special occasion. Additionally, we awarded certificates to...

Week 35: # ABIS TEAM Make this Planet Clean and Green

Week 35: # ABIS TEAM Make this Planet Clean and Green

   Greeting Friends and Family- Thanks to all those who came to celebrate your student’s learning journey with us this afternoon.  Once again, the kids were fabulous and they performed strong.  I hope you enjoyed learning about what we have been learning about. As I...

End of Year Exams

The grade 11 end-of-year exams are now finished. It has been an intense week, but the students should have a well deserved break this weekend. On June 2nd, the students will receive a report card with their mock exam grades and when the reports are released the...

MMMmmmaths with chocolate fractions!

MMMmmmaths with chocolate fractions!

It's been a busy week for Grade 5 students. They started off the week as Banana Farmers. Each student had to 'grow' (draw) a banana to sell to Miss Rachel, who was the buyer for Ace Banana International Sohar (ABIS). Unfortunately for the farmers, they were unaware...

Week 35

nother wonderful week in class 2SA. We have been working on writing personal narratives. They will continue to focus on each story having an introduction/hook, beginning, middle and end. We have also spent time on addition and subtraction with regrouping. Students...

Working hard in Grade 2SB

This week we have continued our work in adding and subtraction within 100 using mental and written strategies. Towards the end of the week we tried our hand at a fun doodle activity where the students needed to use a strategy or strategies to solve two-digit or...

Week 36

Week 36

Another busy week of learning has passed. This week we have been investigating the characteristics of living things in our world. We have been reviewing time, looking at o'clock and half past. The children completed some colourful sun and night art pieces to signify...



35/38 … Believe it or not there are only three weeks remaining until your child(ren)--our students–make the transition from G6 to G7. We enjoyed our time and learnt a lot at the Oman Aviation Academy. Please be reminded to check out photographs from that trip and a...

Oman’s Imports…

Oman’s Imports…

Dear Parents All students had a good experience collecting information about goods imported to Oman. Students reflected that Oman producers more vegetable than fruit.

Imports to Nesto

Imports to Nesto

This week we went to Nesto to find out which countries they import their fruits and vegetables from. The students also bought some produce and had to use their maths skills to calculate prices and pay. We also made connections bcack to our body unit, talking about...

The Head's Blog

Sharing some good news about Miss Simpson!

We are all looking forward to the opportunity to spend a bit of extra time with our families over the Autumn break. It has been a really busy ten week so far - full of learning, activities and experiences for our students and we are really happy with our new teachers...

Four great meetings!

We have had three significant meetings at the school this week, all very positive. Qatar Foundation came to visit on Tuesday to see our new building, as they are considering similar projects back home. They were enormously impressed by what our students were doing and...

What a wonderful start!

As life settles back to normal it is difficult to believe that just a few weeks ago I was staring at a building site! It has been a fantastic start to the year and I would like to thank all of you for kind  words and support. The opening of the new building is the...

One Week To Go!

           With one week to go before students and families return to school the staff have been very busy unpacking resources and setting up the new furniture and buildiings. It's a very exciting time for all of us. Some reminders about upcoming dates: Sunday 21st...