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So many things happen at ABIS and we love to share!
Grade 7 Math Summative

Grade 7 Math Summative

         This week, the grade 7 math students took their summative assessment, which covered criteria A and C. For criterion A, students were tasked with selecting the right mathematical approaches to tackle complex problems in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts,...

G11 and G12 Math

This week students practice what they have learned in Trigonometry  We used interactive tools to visualize right-angled triangles and discover how these functions relate to real-world problems like calculating distances and angles. We worked on some past paper...

Week 5 – Role Models Inspire Us

Week 5 – Role Models Inspire Us

Dear Parents, What a lovely week it was! Here is the screenshot of this week's updates. You can find a copy of the same on Seesaw. As always, please keep connected wtih us on Seesaw for more details and updates.   

On parle français!

On parle français!

Grade 7 are getting back into the habit of leaving their comfort zone and communicating in a foreign language. Everyone is trying their best and supporting each other. Short speaking activities to learn more about each other in French are a perfect way to take risks...

Grade 2A News Flash!!!

Weekly Pictures Here Next week our students are going on their first field trip. I am so happy the whole class has been invited. Permission slips went out on Wednesday. The field trip is for October 2, 2024. Please make sure it is turned in by Sunday. If your child...

Color and Emotions in Art

Color and Emotions in Art

In Grade 7 Art this week, as part of our 'Color and Emotion'  unit inspired by Kandinsky, students worked on their final piece of evidence for Objective B: Developing Ideas. They were tasked with creating thumbnail sketches for their final abstract artwork designed to...

Week 5:  2 + 2 = 5

Week 5: 2 + 2 = 5

Greetings one and all- Another  week has passed us by with much learning with fun and games.  In 2+2=5 Ms. Sri is introducing to the younger students  a   game called BUMP.  They get to practice their fast facts AND their spelling of high frequency words.  The middle...

Cooperation and Action in G1A

This week, we revisit the Learner Profile of caring and students were encouraged to think about how we need to share when working in a group. One student said, "When everyone work together, we all are winners." Groups who cooperated and did an activity together were...

Healthy bodies

Healthy bodies

This week we went to Sohar Medical University to learn more about the heart and lungs. We even saw some real organs and noticed that they were not pink because there was no blood in them! In maths, we practised estimating and measuring, making sure we knew the correct...

Personal Project

Dear Parents, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to provide you with an update on the students' progress in their personal projects. As a reminder, the personal project is an ongoing process that will culminate in a final product. The students have now met...

Research, biographies and new students!

Research, biographies and new students!

We have welcomed 4 new students into our class over the past week or so. Please welcome Hilal, Wasaif, Chaea, and Ananya to our wonderful Grade 5 ABIS community! Their peers have been taking great care of them ensuring that they get from class to class and showing...

The Head's Blog

Oman’s Minister for Education visits ABIS!

Today we welcomed Dr. Madiha Al Shaibani, Minister for Education in Oman. This is huge honour for the school. Dr Madiha and her entourage were joined by representatives from the Ministry of Education, as well as senior figures from Sohar Aluminium and Orpic. Dr Al...

Important visitors!

Just to let you know that we are expecting important visitors from the Ministry of Education tomorrow. They have heard about how wonderful our school is and have decided to pay a visit. School will, of course, continue as normal except you may some of us looking...

School Photos

The school photos arrived just now. Better late than never! If you need you photos before the holiday, please e-mail Eiman ( this afternoon and then come and collect tomorrow at lunchtime. Otherwise, they will be distributed when we get back...

School photos are ready to order!

The thumbnail links of the recent school photographs have arrived in school. Please click on the links below to view these: Individual thumbnail links for all Grades: Click Here Sibling and Family photo link: Click Here Please note, we have not yet received the...

Sharing some good news about Miss Simpson!

We are all looking forward to the opportunity to spend a bit of extra time with our families over the Autumn break. It has been a really busy ten week so far - full of learning, activities and experiences for our students and we are really happy with our new teachers...

Four great meetings!

We have had three significant meetings at the school this week, all very positive. Qatar Foundation came to visit on Tuesday to see our new building, as they are considering similar projects back home. They were enormously impressed by what our students were doing and...