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So many things happen at ABIS and we love to share!
What We Know!

What We Know!

Dear Parents, Students had an opportunity to share their knowledge and understanding about the human body through mini presentations. All students were excellent communicators and great effort was put into their presentations.

الصف الرابع يفعل مشروع حصن المسلم الصغير

الصف الرابع يفعل مشروع حصن المسلم الصغير

قام طلبة الصف الرابع في حصص الربية الإسلامية بتفعيل مشروع حصن المسلم الصغير من خلال تسميع الذكر الأول لهم دعاء الاستيقاظ من النوم وقضاء الطلاب وقت ممتع مع المرح والتلوين لكسر روتين الدراسة بما هو مفيد وجذاب لهم والانتقال مع دعاء جديد للطلبة وهو دعاء دخول الخلاء لتنمية...

Week 9

Week 9

Every day, our young students excitedly check off the days they've completed in Grade 1. Today was the 43rd day of the school year. As we gathered together, we celebrated not only how much they've learned, but also how they've grown socially. I feel so proud to teach...

Grade 5 in Full Force!

Grade 5 in Full Force!

Lots of exciting learning happening in Grade 5! During UOI and Literacy students were introduced to the 5 steps of the scientific method, and how it is included within science reports. They were able to recognise that the ‘procedure’ or ‘method’ part of science...

9th Week in 1C

9th Week in 1C

 This week, the children have been learning about the difference between little and big problems, helping them to navigate challenges and find appropriate solutions. They also explored the red zone, discussing strategies they can use to regulate their emotions when...

Rain days and school reports

Dear Parents, We’re pleased to have finished the two days of online learning due to school closures. In the Secondary School, the transition went smoothly, with students and teachers adapting well to the online format. In Primary School, while our older students...

Dystopia in the News

We have finished our first unit! The film unit is now done, students submitted their final assessment, spent some time reflecting on their learning, and, now, we are ready for our next unit. Our next unit revolves around reading the news. We will be examining how...

The 10th International Arabic Language Conference, Dubai 2024.

The 10th International Arabic Language Conference, Dubai 2024.

I am proud of my school's support for participating in regional and global forums, keeping up with every development, and constantly seeking new ways to serve its students. Al Batinah International School is committed to a code of honor and integrity in moving forward...

Online Learning

No pictures this week, but what a busy one!! Well done to all of the students that were able to join online meetings and complete the Seesaw work this week. We developed self management and problem solving skills and overcame many technical problems!! We will reflect...

Global Politics

Hats off to our grade 11 Global Politics students during online learning this week. On the first day students were given an academic article on a case study and asked to consider some highly complex concepts. I was really impressed with the level of enthusiasm in our...

The Head's Blog

Grade 12 Graduation and Online Learning

Dear parents, Today was an important day as we celebrated the graduation of our Grade 12 students. All came in with their parents individually and attended a ceremony that we broadcast live to their family and friends. It was a day of joy and celebration for these...

Graduation & MYP E-assessments

Dear parents, We only have a few more weeks to go before the end of the year, so please ensure your child/ren continue to apply themselves to their studies. Report cards will be issued on the second last day of school via email as per usual. This week the Grade 10...

News and next year’s school calendar

Dear parents, This week was unusual with the rain and storms sweeping across Oman. I hope that you are all safe and have not been inconvenienced. There are some who have had poor internet connections because of the storm and I want to reassure parents and students...

Admissions open

Dear parents, Another week online and all is moving ahead smoothly. When you read through the grade level posts in today’s broadcaster, there is good evidence that students and teachers are working well together in their learning journey. We do not know how long we...

A reminder to be safe

Dear parents, The week has gone well in classes with all teachers and students engaged in their learning. I have been hearing good accounts of student enthusiasm which is wonderful! Unfortunately, after having no Covid-19 in our teacher and student body, this week we...

A week online

Dear parents, Ramadan Mubarak! We have completed our first full week online. The technology has worked much better this week and the shortened timetable is also proving to be successful. The student led conferences this week were the highlight for students and...

A brief week online

Dear parents, I trust that everyone had a great long weekend. Our first week back with students learning online and students have made the transition with ease. While we would much prefer the students be at school, it is reassuring to know that students have been able...

Online next week

Dear parents, Due to the rising number of Covid-19 cases, the Supreme Committee yesterday announced that all schools must close and students learn online from next Sunday. This was disappointing news given we have done so well in maintaining our safety and health...

Spirit Week and more

Dear parents, As we finish another successful week there are some items of interest for you for the near future. On Sunday we will begin the new drop off system with primary students dropped off at the gate and secondary students at both front carparks. If you have...

Items to note

Dear parents, The weather is warming up and so we ask that your child brings a hat and a water bottle to school every day. We will remind our students that when they go outside they must wear a hat and bring their water bottle to stay hydrated. Since we started back...

Spring Break next week

Dear parents, We are now going on our annual Spring Break for a week, with students returning to school on Monday March 8. Teachers will return a day earlier for a professional development day. The school is operating smoothly and we are pleased that our safety and...