Dear all,

This year has now come to an end, and despite the difficulties of Covid-19 and the restrictions it presented to the school, we have persevered as a community and ensured our students received the best education possible. I commend all our staff for the excellent way in which they provided for our students.

At the heart of its mission, ABIS wants to challenge and inspire all students to reach their full potential by becoming well-rounded global citizens and successful lifelong learners; young people who are innovators, problem solvers and thoughtful global citizens.  Despite the nature of the year, we have accomplished much.

We have taught our students to value others and the world around them, and through service to the community, albeit limited this year, developed their sense of service for others. We have supported the development of international mindedness during Oman week and through the year in a myriad of ways. We have cared for and supported our students; and we have educated and assisted them in their exploration of the world about them.

Throughout the year, every person here: teachers, CA’s, admin, custodians, drivers, and others involved in the school, has ensured a quality education, and kept our students at the center of all that we do. I am proud of all who work at ABIS for their commitment, professionalism and hard work.

I would like to thank our leaving teachers and our business manager Ramesh; they all have worked hard over the years to support the school and students. We are very grateful for all that they have done in serving the ABIS community.

Thank you to all our parents for your support of the school, for your support of your child in their journey of learning, and for your kindnesses to all in the ABIS community.

For those families who are leaving us, our best wishes for students as they move to their new schools.

For those families who are coming back next academic year, I look forward to seeing you. I wish you all the best for your holidays, travel safe, stay safe, and see you all in August.  Primary starts on Sunday August 22, and Secondary starts on Monday August 23.

Dominic Robeau