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Grades 7 – 10
Highlights from this week..
Posts from previous weeks..
The importance of staying healthy – Grade 10 class
Wondering why is it important to stay healthy? In needs of some tips on how to stay healthy? Tune...
Grade 7 English and Individuals and Societies
In English students finished their poetry anthologies. They made sure that they had written a...
Thinking and applying knowledge
"Knowledge is not intelligence" [Heraclitus] "knowledge needs to be a verb" [Edwards Deming]...
This week’s news in Mathematics
Hello everyone, This week in grade 8, we finished up our probability unit lessons and will begin...
Grade 10 Individuals and Societies
The Grade 10 I&S class is beginning a summative task on an Empires unit that has explored a...
New Titles Added to ABIS Library Arabic Book Section!
Exciting News!! Ms. Maryam traveled to the Muscat International Book Fair last weekend and was...
It’s project time!
In grade 9, we are reaching the end of our unit on 'Why do we go to school?' Parents, you will be...
Focussing on a social ATL Skill
This week we have been focussing on our collaboration skills, namely delegating and sharing...
Turning the Old into something New
The Grade 9s have been discussing the modern music making process and how it has changed in the...
‘Red Scarf Girl’ by Ji Li Lang
Students have just completed their final summative tasks for their English and Individuals and...
Hello Secondary!
Let's encourage mathematics conversations after school. Ask your child to show you an example of...
Middle School Music Experiment
So often, students are handed written music and asked to learn to play it. But what do you do when...
Service as Action with a Love of Reading!
A love of reading has lead to an amazing new Service as Action project by Tharaa, a 7th grade...
Grade 9 English
Students have continued with their inquiry into voices from the past, which is an...
Using the language of science and mathematics to communicate
This week the grade 9s, 10s, 11s and 12s have been using scientific ‘language’ to gather and...
Grade 7 English, Individuals and Societies
In English students are working in their poetry anthologies. They are applying their knowledge...
Dystopias, Awareness, and Fear-Mongering
In our new English unit, we have spent the last three weeks reading articles about dystopian fears...
A focus on ATL’s – Perseverance
The Approaches to Learning are skills that enable us all to succeed in life. The ATL skill...
Investigations in Science
Grade 7 have been working on this unit for a few weeks now. They were challenged to design a...
Planning and Reflecting in Physical Education
Students in MYP are learning how to reflect on their performance and highlight areas that they...