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So many things happen at ABIS and we love to share!طلاب الصف الثاني وتميزهم
تالق طلاب الصف الاول بحصة المشاهدة
How Human Actions Contribute to Climate Change
As we experience another week of moving to online learning in expectation of extreme weather, Grade 7 start digging deeper into the language and concepts connected to Human Action and Climate Change. We are looking through a Cause and Effect lens and our end goal is...
Talent Show: Thursday, May 9th
Next week’s Talent Show is going to be a fun event- be there or be square! We have gymnastics, dancers, singers, musicians, comedy and more! Exact time to be confirmed, but sometime after 12:00pm on Thursday, May the 9th in the Mazoon. See you all there! Mr Peter
Can trigonometry be used in everyday life?
Trigonometry may not have its direct applications in solving practical issues, but it is used in various things that we enjoy so much. For example music, as you know sound travels in waves and this pattern though not as regular as a sine or cosine function, is still...
G4 Week 32: Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head
Hello Peeps- Sadly, school was canceled again due to threatening weather. While it didn’t look like we got a lot from where I was, I did see videos of other places where there was more. It’s always safer to take caution. I hope everyone stays safe. As you know, we...
Final exams الاختبارات النهائية
Preparing for the final exams for our students of various types, ministerial, electronic, and Dp tests, urging students to work hard and focus, noting the important points, and the instructions given to the students. The final exam schedule is attached. We wish them...
Grade 10 Science- Taking responsibility of learning
There is ample research that points to the fact that when students are allowed to take greater responsibility for their learning, learning becomes fun and more relatable. As part of their preparation for their external examinations in the next few days, the grade 10s...
Grade 11 Global Politics
Grade 11 Global Politics students have just completed the Peace and Conflict unit and will sit for a Paper 1 exam next week. Paper 1 is a source-based exam and will draw upon topics from our current unit. During the week of May 19-23, Global Politics students will...
Preparing for End of Year Exams
The end-of-year exams start next week. Courses taken through Pamoja will have their assessments on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday. With the rest of their exams starting on Thursday, May 16th. There are many things that students can be doing to consolidate their learning...
Have you met Ms Dora?
My name is Dorothy (or Ms Dora, as the students call me) and I am an EAL teacher for KG2 and G1 levels at the ABIS school. I would like to express here some ideas about why the EAL program is so important for our school. EAL is provided to help students whose first...
Where Music and Math Intersect
The grade 7s are beginning their final unit in Music with a TOK-themed question: What is Music? Does it have to have a rhythm? What about a clear tonal language? Can Music only be made with specific instruments or can anything make Music? Does it have to be...
ABIS has Talent!
On Thursday, May 9, the ABIS Arts Department will be hosting a talent show of Primary and Secondary students. Held in the afternoon before the end of the school day, students from a range of grades and abilities will share with the student community their special...
ABIS Student Referral Program, Returning students, Swimming
Dear parents, Once again the poor weather has caused ABIS to go online. While this is an inconvenience for all, it is hoped that the tasks provided by your child's teachers will ensure they keep up to date on their studies. Should you have difficulty in accessing the...
We care about your safety, and we prioritize the well-being of our students both at school and at home.
We care about your safety, and we prioritize the well-being of our students both at school and at home. That's why we have transitioned to remote learning and appreciate your participation in our home-based achievements. Thank you to all our students, and we extend...
Grade 8 Science: A special visit from the Ministry of Education.
This week, our grade 8 science class had the honor of hosting a delegation of esteemed officials from the Ministry of Education led by our very own Ms Zuweina. These officials were highly knowledgeable in the field of Biology. Our students had engaging and productive...
G 9 science: Lab Investigation: alkali and alkaline earth metals.
Our emphasis in grade 9 science this week has been laboratory investigation focusing on the properties of alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, and halogens. This practical exploration is a crucial component of our unit on the elements of the periodic table and...
Maths practice and problem solving
This week, we have been problem solving in maths. The calculations are not always difficult but the students have to use their thinking skills to work out what to do and how to solve the problem. In other maths, students reflected on their own needs and played...
To the End of the Year and Beyond
Just like many of you, teachers share your thoughts and moods. Hopefully, we can end the school year without any severe weather disruptions. [Sigh] In any case, please remain safe if any severe weather moves your way. Please take some time to check out and review G6...
Young inventors..
Dear Parents We have been learning about different invention and inventors that changed the world. Students have also worked on their own ideas to innovate a current invention.
Another busy week in Grade 2SB
This week we have been rehearsing a Reader's Theatre performance. Reader's Theatre develops reading fluency, accuracy and expression. Our reading strategy of using phrasing (being aware of punctuation) and expression has really supported our rehearsals. Students...
The Head's Blog
Please register for the bus service before the deadline 4th of June
Please register for the bus service before the deadline 4th of June. Dear parents/guardians, This is just a quick reminder to register for the bus service for 2015-2015 before 4th of June. Thank you to those who have already registered. Please contact Carlijn...
Grade 12 Graduate from Secondary School Today
Today is dedicated to Grade 12, who graduate from the Secondary School this evening. This is a momentous step for them and for the school, as these are our first ever Grade 12's and they are very special to us. We will have a Graduation Dinner up at Crowne Plaza this...
Staffing News for next year
As a very successful year here at ABIS starts to come to a close, it is time to share some of our plans relating to staffing for next year with you. In all schools there is a time where we have to say goodbye to teachers who have given so much to the development and...
Mr. Raj Kumar
It is with great regret that we inform our school community that Mr Raj, our longest serving custodian departed on Monday night to India. He left for emergency family reasons and we are not sure if he will be returning. Mr Raj has been with the...
Like a fish: Swim Gala 2015
Congratulations to all the students involved in yesterday's Swim Gala. The Blue Dolphins came out on top by the slimmest of margins in a hard fought battle with the Green Leopards. The day was full of nail-biting finishes and excellent sportsmanship. A special thanks...
Calendar 2015-2016
The Calendar for next school year is now available. You will find it on the front page of the Broadcaster in the "Important Documents" section or you can download it here. The password for Broadcaster is "parents".
International Day Benefits
Thank you to all ABIS parents who generously ran a food stall at International Day. We managed to raise a massive 1848.700 rials which also included a sizable contribution from Sohar Aluminum.All money sponsored and collected will be send to...
International Evening 2015
Congratulations and thanks to everyone who made Thursday evening a big success. Whether you were cooking food, performing songs, selling tickets, wishing the clouds away or simply turning up for a fun night out, it wasn’t possible without your support. Extra...
C.I.S. very positive about the school
We are happy to share that the Council of International Schools (CIS) were really positive about the school after their four day visit last week. They praised the high level of skill and commitment (hard work) of our staff, the strength of our PYP programme, our...
ABIS seeks accreditation from the Council of International Schools
Since opening back in 2008, our school staff have put a huge amount of time and energy into making ABIS better in all respects. Though our efforts to get better will never stop, we are now approaching a standard where we feel that we can seek accreditation from CIS,...
The expansion to the Secondary Learning Suite (SLS) will be open tomorrow!
An exciting development at ABIS. Our contracted builders, Target, have done a fantastic job in expanding the SLS (Secondary Learning Suite), which will be open for the first time tomorrow. The Secondary building has nearly doubled in space and will provide a lot of...
This from a grade seven student, who was snagged as soon as he arrived! This week I went on a camel trek through the desert. The hardest thing was the last day because we walked more than 12 kilometres. Everyone had red, puffy faces. I liked riding the camels. My best...