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So many things happen at ABIS and we love to share!5th week in 1C!
This week, in our fifth week of school, students have made great progress in their literacy and math centers. They are rotating between centers smoothly and taking more responsibility for cleaning up. We’ve introduced loose parts in the literacy center, encouraging...
Week 5
This week, two Grade 4 students visited our class to teach us all about recycling—what can and can't be recycled, and how to tell the difference. Thanks to them, we now know how to check packaging to see if it’s recyclable. We’ve also learned where the recycling bins...
The importance of reflection in English Grades 8 and 9
This week in English, Grade 8 students completed their first unit with a summative in which they analysed their choice of print advertisement. Grade 9 students completed the first part of their unit on "Travel Writing" by analysing a travel/tourism advertisement for...
The use of self-directed learning and educational technology with second-grade students.
Second-grade students enthusiastically engaged in using their mobile devices during a lesson on linguistic patterns (the verbal sentence), utilizing the school's Seesaw platform along with Google Classroom as an educational resource. This experience contributed to...
Important dates
Dear Parents, It’s been a good week for me, as I’ve been at the gate each morning greeting students and parents. This has reminded me how important it is for everyone to know that they are always welcome to approach me for a conversation. It's also nice to be able to...
Storytelling as a teaching strategy with grade 1
This week, we continue using storytelling as a teaching strategy with grade 1 during this foundational stage. Through this approach, I can assess the students' ability to recall and extract concepts from the narrated story, while also capturing their attention to the...
First and second-grade students eagerly engaged in learning the units of the (PYP)
First and second-grade students eagerly engaged in learning the units of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and began applying them practically during the "Who We Are" unit in Arabic. The students expressed themselves in a unique way, talking about their families,...
G9 Language and Literature اللغة والأدب
During this week, the students studied a unit entitled (Literary and Non-Literary Arts), and the report was one of these arts that the students wrote, covering the writing format and its steps, in addition to employing the skill of creativity.
This Week in Music September 16th, 2024 🎶 It's been another exciting week of musical exploration and growth across all our classes! Let's dive into the highlights and discover how our young musicians have been making beautiful music together. Early Years: An...
Grade 10 Science-SA-Energy efficiency initiatives at ABIS.
After completing their unit on the impact of electricity and magnetism on society, our Grade 10 science students took their learning to the next level by applying it to real-world issues. Through a service-as-action project, they worked in groups to tackle energy...
G7 Science Skills on Fire 🔥!
🎉 Our MYP 1 science students have been hard at work mastering the scientific method! They've been exploring how to plan and conduct investigations while becoming familiar with various lab equipment and essential safety protocols. This week, they took their...
In topic C, we explored mechanical waves, like sound and water waves, and electromagnetic waves, like light and radio waves. We investigated key concepts like wave speed, wavelength, frequency, and the principle of superposition. Understanding waves helps us grasp how...
End of unit projects in French MYP
French students in the MYP have started working on their end of unit project. An end of unit project is a great opportunity for students to work collaboratively, use the language of the unit in a more authentic way and practice being a risk taker while communicating...
What are the measurement tools in MYP Mathematics Framework.
In the IB MYP Mathematics curriculum, formative and summative assessments serve distinct purposes in evaluating student learning. Here’s a breakdown of the differences and key ideas behind each type of assessment: Formative assessments are ongoing checks for...
Week 4 – The Ripple Effect
Hey all, It was a short but eventful week. Here is the Link to Week 4 Photos
Grade 12 IBDP Biology -Heart Diseases Decoded Through Discovery
Biology students have explored fascinating insights into transport systems over the past few weeks. Their unit on transport in plants equipped them well for the complexities of the human body. They examined how water and mineral nutrients are absorbed and circulated...
University visits
We had the pleasure of having two university representatives visit us at ABIS this week. Our first representative came on Tuesday and presented for four universities located in Switzerland, all of which rank in the top 10 for their degrees globally. This was followed...
This week new MUN student members were introduced to MUN protocols by our student leaders. It was a great session and interest and engagement was high. Also, I have sent emails to member's parents regarding students interest in attending the TSS MUN on the 7th and 8th...
Making clay hearts
This week we started finding out about the circulatory system. We learned what the heart looks like and its function. Did you know that your heart is the same size as your fist and that it never stops beating?! We even created a clay heart. It was really hard to join...
What makes a composition effective?
As part of Criteria B: Developing Ideas in our Design class, students were tasked with creating thumbnail sketches for their cultural clock design. By thinking creatively about the arrangement of signs and symbols from the country they investigated and applying...
Grade 2 News
I hope you were able to enjoy the long weekend and had some time to relax with family. This past week I was away for two days due to illness, so Ms Cora was happy to work with Grade 2SB. In literacy, students worked on retelling the fable 'The Lion and the Mouse'...
The Head's Blog
ABIS Parking changes
Welcome back to school after what we hope has been a fun and relaxing Eid break. Tomorrow you will find that the access to the school has changed. The old main entrance from the road is closed. The entrance road has moved approximately 50 meters back towards the...
What a wonderful start!
As life settles back to normal it is difficult to believe that just a few weeks ago I was staring at a building site! It has been a fantastic start to the year and I would like to thank all of you for kind words and support. The opening of the new building is the...
One Week To Go!
With one week to go before students and families return to school the staff have been very busy unpacking resources and setting up the new furniture and buildiings. It's a very exciting time for all of us. Some reminders about upcoming dates: Sunday 21st...
The new school year is approaching.
Hello to all of our families wherever you are. We hope you are having a wonderful break and have enjoyed your summer so far. All is going well in Sohar and at ABIS. We would like to remind you of a few points below: Early Years Meeting between 1pm -2pm: Sunday August...
Math teacher demonstrates proficiency to multiply
Margaret (Margo) Nohlgren Adams Born on June 13, 2016: 49 cm, 2.65 kg Proving, once again, that sometimes 1+1=5
Yearbooks & Iftar
Yearbooks will be disturbed tomorrow, Monday, to all students who have purchased one. If you would like a yearbook and haven't ordered yet see Miss Ruqaia. This week's price is 15OMR. Iftar As Ramadan is a chance for families to gather together it seems fitting that...
Staffing News – leaving and new teachers
It is time formally share information about the teachers who are leaving us this year and to share some of our plans relating to next year’s staffing with you. We must say goodbye to seven exceptional teachers who have given so much to the development and life of the...
Farewell to our Grade 12s
We had a bittersweet assembly in Secondary today: we said farewell to our 12th graders, but we also welcomed our 6th graders into Secondary. To commemorate the occasion, Student Council instituted a new tradition: an ABIS Totem Pole. Each grade will have an...
As an international school focused on student learning, ABIS will operate normally at Ramadan, though we will take some special measures to respect and support our Omanis and host country. We will contact our Muslim families about these arrangements shortly. In...
New teachers joining us – we’ve got lucky again!
As we all know that great teachers are the most important part of any school, we have some excellent news in regard to our staffing next year. All key positions required for departing teacher replacement and school growth have now been filled. Once again we have been...
Dear All, We will be holding a short memorial for Theo on Monday, May 2nd starting at 9am in the school playground. This will be an opportunity for Theo’s friends to say goodbye and leave messages for him and his family at the memorial site. Please note that...
Wise words from an ABIS alum
On Monday the Secondary school was treated to a presentation by Clarissa Nolido, an ABIS alum who graduated last year. She has just completed her first year of university at Enderun, a business school in Manilla, and she did so in style by earning a spot on what is...