Welcome to
Grades 7 – 10
Highlights from this week..
Posts from previous weeks..
Knowledge is Power!
This week's focus has been on research and changing data into information and into knowledge and...
New Titles in the ABIS Library!!
A big thank you to all families that participated in our first Scholastic Book Club Order! We were...
Hard Work in the MYP
In Grade 8, the students have been learning about the musical forms of Blues and Jazz, and how...
G9 practices for next year’s ePortfolio.
Visual art students in Grade 9 are completing a mock ePortfolio unit, taken from an actual MYP...
Being present
Being present in your children's life is crucial now - more than ever. With the impact that...
الدراسات الاجتماعية/الصف السابع/G7
قدم الطالبان المتميزين محمد قاسم المعمري ومحمد خالد المعمري عرض بعنوان النمو السكاني وكان بحضور...
Arabic numbers in seventh grade
Students in the seventh grade were able to finish their weekly work on Arabic numbers, and they...
Moving forwards by looking back
This week the students, parents and teachers have been reflecting on the past 4 months and have...
Practice Makes Perfect!
Learning to play an instrument has benefits beyond just making a pleasing sound. There are...
Grade 10 Advisory Visits the Library!
Grade 10 advisory visited the library this week. They took a trip down memory lane with books they...
Grade 9 English Language and Literature
Grade 9 completed their first unit on Travel by creating their own blogs or vlogs, using the...
G10 personal project December 2 event and updated due dates!
Our Grade 10 personal project feedback exhibition has been rescheduled for Thursday, December 2 to...
Treasure Boxes in G8.
Students in Grade 8 have been working hard to design containers that will store and protect...
On Your Marks…Get Set…Go!
Students in Physical Education are now taking advantage of the cooler weather and using our...
Grade 9 Individuals and Societies
Grade 9 I&S students have been focused on the thinking skills of analysis and comparison as we...
Grade 7 English, Individuals and Societies
In both subjects we have just completed the final summative task. In English students wrote their...
New ways to demonstrate being a communicator
The IB defines communicators as those who “express [them]selves confidently and creatively in many...
Celebrating our work on display.
This short week included an important school visit by companies around Oman, and we were pleased...
And the Oscar for Best Film Score goes to…..
In Grade 10 Music, we have been breaking down what makes movie music different from regular music....
Athletics and Swimming
For the following units, we will be working on Swimming and Athletics. We will be working on...