Welcome to Grade 11 & 12
Highlights from this week..
Posts from previous weeks..
Secondary Art Updates.
Hello again, ABIS families! While waiting for permission to begin the school year, your teachers...
Exciting year ahead in English
How did I spend my summer, you ask? I have been reading books, watching movies, watching...
Getting ready for WWI in DP History!
As I continue to plan for all classes, I have spent this week planning for paper 2 in DP History....
All Systems are Go!
I have been spending lots of time over the last week or two preparing work and lessons with the...
We keep hanging on
We are enjoying our days as best as we can here in Illinois! Julia has some friends come over for...
Long Distance Induction
Hello, I’ve been getting ready for the start of school, meeting all the staff and looking at class...
All set for an exciting new year @ ABIS!
Hello everyone! It goes without saying that we are currently living in very strange times, but...
Band Preparation…
What exactly does a music teacher do in the preparation days before school starts? Well, yesterday...
A welcome from Secondary Visual Art.
Hello to families, both returning and new! For those of you who don’t know me yet, I’m Erin Rehil...
Getting Ready for 2020-2021
This week has been a busy one as teachers, staff, and admin prepared for the beginning of a new...
Sanibonani from South Africa
'Saninbonani' is is Zulu for 'Hello everyone!'. My name is Mr. Dass and I will be teaching...
Hi everyone! My name is Ty Lougher (pronounced "Tie Locker," although my students and parents call...
Hello from your new science teacher
Hello everyone, I am Mr Andres Bradshaw and I will be the new Diploma Programme Physics and...
Welcome from Secondary Math!
Hello everyone! I am Maureen Baier and I will be teaching 8-12 grade math at ABIS this year....
Home Movie Competition
We have some wonderful home movies in so far and there is one week left to go. If you wish to make...
Cuban History in Grade 11
This week, grade 11 students began exploring Cuban history in preparation for the case study on...
Home Movie Challenge
The home movie challenge is going well and we have received some entries already. A few have been...
Grade 11 Physics
Grade 11 started a new topic on Circular motion and Gravitation. This past week our focus was on...
Thank you for the music..!
?? ??Whilst Grade 9 were working with songs this week in French to develop language skills, and...
House Points
Students across school are still earning house points. We will continue to keep track in houses....