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So many things happen at ABIS and we love to share!
2023 2024 G6N G6AW Week 19 in Review

2023 2024 G6N G6AW Week 19 in Review

Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to the end of week 19. Wow, what a busy week! Lots going on as we enter the countdown to our Exhibition in approximately 4 weeks. Awesome! It’s hard to believe but we are nearly at the end of term two.  School Events - Important...

Jigsaw learning.

Jigsaw learning.

It's hard to become an expert on everything, but a great cooperative learning strategy is when students each take a part of a whole and become an expert on one aspect of a topic, then share what they know with the others. That's what Grade 5 students did to share...

Week 19

Week 19

In the current unit, your children are engaged in creating their own stories. This week, they began crafting a story map, prompting them to consider various elements such as: Who are the characters in their story? What is the setting? What is the problem? What is the...

Week 19

Week 19

This week we have been exploring the elements of a story including: the theme, plot, characters, setting and conflict. In cooperative groups the children engaged in dialogue in an effort to begin sharing ideas about their shared story. Communicating with one another,...

#IBInternationalDayofEducation   When love emanates from within you towards your profession, your ideas blossom, and your creativity bursts forth like flowers in the spring season.

#IBInternationalDayofEducation When love emanates from within you towards your profession, your ideas blossom, and your creativity bursts forth like flowers in the spring season.

.                           #IBInternationalDayofEducation When love emanates from within you towards your profession, your ideas blossom, and your creativity bursts forth like flowers in the spring season. En français : Lorsque l'amour émane de l'intérieur vers votre...

In the Arabic language class, the grade  1 students showcase their creativity and activity noticeably.في حصة اللغة العربية، يبدي طلاب الصف الأول إبداعهم ونشاطهم بشكل ملحوظ. يشكل الصف كأفراد خلية نحل، حيث يسعى الجميع نحو العمل والإنتاج بجدية وتفانٍ.

In the Arabic language class, the grade  1 students showcase their creativity and activity noticeably.في حصة اللغة العربية، يبدي طلاب الصف الأول إبداعهم ونشاطهم بشكل ملحوظ. يشكل الصف كأفراد خلية نحل، حيث يسعى الجميع نحو العمل والإنتاج بجدية وتفانٍ.

In the Arabic language class, the grade  1 students showcase their creativity and activity noticeably. The class functions like a beehive, where everyone strives for work and productivity with seriousness and dedication. The students engage in diverse tasks, with some...

A positive week

Dear parents, The week concluded on a positive note because in the past two weeks we had observed litter on the ABIS grounds after lunch. Consequently, students are now required to finish their meals before engaging in outdoor activities, leading to a significant...

Back to Business

Class 2SA had a hectic week. We started our new unit of inquiry, How the World Works. The central idea being, People find ways to make their lives easier. We will be investigating simple machines and how they make people's lives easier. We also started a new unit in...

Week 18: Out into the Sea and Across the Atlantic

Week 18: Out into the Sea and Across the Atlantic

  Highlights of the Week This week we kicked off our next UOI.  We discussed our first explorer, Christopher Columbus, and engaged ourselves in a science activity about food preservation.  We also integrated our inquiry into explorers by learning about particular...

Happy New Year!

Dear Grade 2SB Parents, I hope that you have a lovely, long holiday with your family over the winter break and also enjoyed some time trying new activities. I am glad to be back in Sohar and in grade 2. The children have been telling me about their holidays and have...

2023 2024 G6N G6AW Week 18 in Review

2023 2024 G6N G6AW Week 18 in Review

Dear Parents and Students, We hope you have had a great week. Welcome to the end of week 18. As part of jumping off the deep end into anything and everything related to Exhibition, students have now completed designs for this years Exhibition merchandise. The design,...

Grade 9 Individuals and Societies

The Grade 9 Individuals and Societies class is finishing a unit on World War II.  On Sunday, they will submit a summative inquiry task that will be assessed using all four criteria: Knowledge and Understanding, Investigating, Communicating, and Thinking Critically. ...

The Head's Blog

Parent Information Handbooks

For those of you who were not able to attend our Parent Information Evening, I attach PDF versions of the printed information that was distributed. I hope you find them, interesting and informative. K1 - K2 - Parent Information Booklet K3 - Parent Information Booklet...

Parent Information Evening

Good Morning! Just a couple of reminders to start the third week of school! After School Activities will be starting this week so please make sure that you and your children are aware of which activities they are signed up for and what they need to bring to have a...

Lost and Found

From Tuesday 18th of June until Wednesday 19th of June all “lost and found” items are displayed in the MPA.  We invite you to check whether any of the “lost and found” items belong to your child. All items left after Wednesday the 19th will be donated to...

Tonight, tonight…

Tonight we are looking forward to seeing you at school at 6pm. Please make sure your children are at school on time for our end of year Song and Dance extravaganza! The Art Exhibition will also be on display so it's going to be a good evening.

Annual Report & ISA Results

First of all, let me start by thanking all those parents who took time out of their busy lives to attend our annual report meeting. It was a pleasure to see you all and I greatly enjoyed the conversations had. For those of you who were not able to make it, hard copies...

Annual Report Meeting – Reminder

Please attend our 2012/13 Annual Report Meeting at 6.30PM sharp tomorrow, Tuesday 11th of June. We will be talking about ISAs, progress made this year and plans for next year. There will be a follow on meeting for all parents who are interested in the specifics of the...

School Closed on Thursday

A public holiday has just been announced for Thursday, June 6th. as such ABIS will be closed on Thursday. Wednesday will be a regular school day finishing as normal. After School Activities on Wednesday will be held as usual. School will resume on Sunday 9th of June.