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So many things happen at ABIS and we love to share!

G11 Math AA HL and SL

Hi All, We discussed about functions and their domain and range. Students learned how to use their graphhing displaying calculators (GDC) to draw the graphs of the functions. Additionally, HL students worked on how to solve simultaneous equations by using matrixes and...

Film Analysis

We are two weeks into our first unit. We have been busy analyzing film clips considering how they build character, setting, and conflict. I have just collected our first analysis and looked at student notes. They are quickly picking up what to look for and have...

What’s up in Grade 2SB?

What’s up in Grade 2SB?

Dear Grade 2SB Parents, Thank you so much to those parents who were able to make it to our Welcome Evening last night. We appreciate you taking time out of your busy days to be informed about the Grade 2, our curriculum and practices, as well as, meeting the two new...

2022 2023 G6N Week 2 in Review

2022 2023 G6N Week 2 in Review

Dear Parents and Students, Wow, how time flies. It is the end of week two already.  It has been a great week with a lot of things going on. I have been impressed with how our G6 team has been able to work together and are following routines, taking diagnostic...

Week 2 in Grade 3

Week 2 in Grade 3

This week in Grade 3, we have started our first units in language, maths and UOI. The students are using Raz Kids and Nessy to support their reading and spelling and we have started looking at the organisation of writing. The students will do some writing every day...

Essential Agreements into Goals

Essential Agreements into Goals

Year-to-Date: 1,357; August 2023: 180; Last Week: 42.7 I purchased a running log/journal over the summer and one of the more meaningful exercises is to set for the next year. (My next running) year starts on September 1, 2023. I set goals every three months for a...

Week 2 – Building our little Learning Community

Week 2 – Building our little Learning Community

Greetings dear parents,  Wowza! This week was highly engaging in terms of establishing and following through routines and promoting collaboration among students. Also, we had a fabulous Parent Information Evening last evening and once again, thanks to those of you who...

مراجعة الصف الرابع لبعض أساسيات اللغة العربية خلال هذا الأسبوع

مراجعة الصف الرابع لبعض أساسيات اللغة العربية خلال هذا الأسبوع

قام طلبة الصف الرابع مع معلمتهم خلال هذا الأسبوع بمراجعة بعض أساسيات اللغة العربية للاستعداد بالانطلاق في تدريس منهج هذا العام متذكرين النقاط المهمة والواجب عليهم التركيز عليها كمرجعيات أساسية في المادة يعتمدون عليها خلال العام الدراسي ويعودون إليها وقت الحاجة ويبنون...

حلقات التلاوة في الصف الخامس

حلقات التلاوة في الصف الخامس

بدأ طلبة الصف الخامس حلقات التلاوة مع بداية العام الدراسي بالوقوف مع سورة المرسلات من الاستماع لتلاوتها من الشيخ ماهر المعيقلي يليها تلاوة المعلمة ثم تلاوة الطلبة بالتناوب بينهم وتوضيح النقاط الواجب الانتباه إليها من أحكام التجويد ومراعاتها أثناء التلاوة ويسهل عليهم...

صنع عصير ( حار بارد) في الصف السادس

صنع عصير ( حار بارد) في الصف السادس

قام طلبة الصف السادس بصنع عصير حار بارد في حصة اللغة العربية والانتعاش ببرودته لكسر حرارة الصيف تطبيقا من درس صور من قريتي وتبادلوا أدوار ومهمات صنع العصير بين فئة تغسل الليمون والفئة الأخرى بتقطيعه وغيرهم بعصره للوصول في نهاية المطاف بالتلذذ بانتعاش العصير وحتى تثبت...

We value FUN!

We value FUN!

When learning is fun, sometimes we don't even realise we are learning... Our Grade 5 community continued the process to decide what we want learning to look like in Grade 5. We worked together, and in groups to identify what we value in Grade 5; why we value it; and...

Week 2

Week 2

We've started the school year with the Unit of Inquiry "Who We Are," which is a great way for the students to get to know each other better, especially at the beginning of the year. This week, we focused on learning about everyone's birthdays. Each student shared...

The Head's Blog

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