When learning is fun, sometimes we don’t even realise we are learning… Our Grade 5 community continued the process to decide what we want learning to look like in Grade 5. We worked together, and in groups to identify what we value in Grade 5; why we value it; and what we will do to ensure it happens. Those ideas were then transferred into our Essential Agreement. We defined Essential as: something that MUST be done, Agreement: EVERYONE must agree. Please find below a copy of the Grade 5 Essential Agreement, and the signatures of all students to say they will follow this so that learning can be fun for everyone this year.

Here’s a great example of fun learning that took place this week. Students created their own version of a game called Frogs & Toads. They simply had to switch the 3 frogs with the 3 toads on the lily pad strip. Frogs and Toads could only move in the direction they were facing. They could move into the next blank space OR jump one opposite creature into a blank space. Easy peasy! They were advised to write down what they had tried already that was unsuccessful so that they did not make the same mistake again. Nobody was able to complete the task, so they were asked to take the game home to try to work it out with you guys at home… A really cool game that was frustrating and got everyone’s brains working hard. What was actually happening here was maths in action. Students were being exposed to: trial and error; recording skills; and number patterns.

We also started our first week of everyone having ‘roles’ to play to ensure our learning runs smoothly, and that everyone takes responsibility for playing their part in making this year a success. Roles will be swapped on a weekly basis and we are working together to remind and encourage everyone to do their tasks as and when needed. This is something that will really help to develop self-management skills for our students as they move towards becoming independent learners in Grade 5.

It was so nice to connect with many of you during our Parent Information Evening. These connections are essential to make sure your child has the best possible support network to help them grow and develop this year. For those of you who couldn’t make it, please do come and meet us and see our learning space. Email anytime to arrange this as we would like to meet all of you! Here is the information that you need to know about Grade 5 this year! Our regular contact with you as parents will be on Sunday morning via email, and on Thursday through this weekly newsletter. Any important information we need to share in addition to these will be communicated with you via email and we will let your child know that you must read it. In the meantime, please open the links below to access the information for parents about Grade 5 this year.

Parent Information Night Presentation                       Parent Information Grade 5 2023-2024

We wish you all a restful weekend. (And possibly some fun playing Frogs & Toads with your child!)

Best Wishes, Team G5