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So many things happen at ABIS and we love to share!Grade 7 English/ I and S
In English we are continuing to read the novel ‘Rabbit Proof Fence.’ The main character of the book has now been introduced. In I and S students have completed their investigations into a biome and have presented their findings to the rest of the group.
EAL Department WIDA test
Here’s an important update from the EAL department: This week marks the commencement of the second round of WIDA testing for our students. WIDA is an essential tool that helps us evaluate how our students are progressing in acquiring English language skills. This...
Preparing for final examsالاستعداد للاختبارات النهائية
During this week, there were many formative assessments and summative in addition to final reviews, and training on sample tests for the past years, as many students showed interest, and began to retrieve the information studied over the course of the second...
We have been busy in Grade 2SB
We have begun our end-of-year assessment in Grade 2 this week, I have met with students individually to assess their reading level and note their strengths and areas for growth. This information will be handed on to the Grade 3 teachers to help them prepare for the...
How about cooking Indian and Pakistani food ….in French?
In the last newsletter, I shared with you all pictures of the grade 8 cooking session. They had to chose a traditional dish, cook it and film the whole process to then make a video tutorial of it. One group did an incredible job, not just with the quality of their...
Grade 10 Airline Logos
In Grade 10, the students are taking part in an IDU that fuses Visual Art & Music - they are working collaboratively to create new luxury airline companies. This is an exciting unit that encourages communication skills, teamwork and creativity. The images below...
Week 33: Burn Baby Burn
Greetings Friends and Family- This was a great week. We were busy digging into our UOI, beginning a very cool math project and planning our pizza party. In our UOI- we learned about coalification and how coal is turned into electricity and how it is processed in a...
Grade 3 Class Trade..
Dear Parents Students are learning about the history of trade and money. We decided to have a class trade to show students how trade happened in ancient days.
The Great Grade 5 Cook Off 2024
The teams have been announced, and we are delighted to welcome Ms Ahlam and Ms Maryam into the Grade 5 Team as mentors for this year's Great Grade 5 Cook Off! This week students have been unpacking the Central Idea for this Unit of Inquiry: Food can go through many...
Week 33
This week we have been busy preparing for our upcoming assembly on the 16th May. We have been rehearsing on the stage in the Mazoon, with each group ready to say their part. Alongside that, we have been preparing our artwork for the soon to be published 2023-2024...
Week 33
I am excited to announce that we started our research on seeds! The students were engaged in observing and identifying different types of seeds, recording their observations, and analyzing their findings by counting the number of correct guesses made for each seed. We...
طلاب الصف الثاني وتميزهم
تالق طلاب الصف الاول بحصة المشاهدة
How Human Actions Contribute to Climate Change
As we experience another week of moving to online learning in expectation of extreme weather, Grade 7 start digging deeper into the language and concepts connected to Human Action and Climate Change. We are looking through a Cause and Effect lens and our end goal is...
Talent Show: Thursday, May 9th
Next week’s Talent Show is going to be a fun event- be there or be square! We have gymnastics, dancers, singers, musicians, comedy and more! Exact time to be confirmed, but sometime after 12:00pm on Thursday, May the 9th in the Mazoon. See you all there! Mr Peter
Can trigonometry be used in everyday life?
Trigonometry may not have its direct applications in solving practical issues, but it is used in various things that we enjoy so much. For example music, as you know sound travels in waves and this pattern though not as regular as a sine or cosine function, is still...
G4 Week 32: Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head
Hello Peeps- Sadly, school was canceled again due to threatening weather. While it didn’t look like we got a lot from where I was, I did see videos of other places where there was more. It’s always safer to take caution. I hope everyone stays safe. As you know, we...
Final exams الاختبارات النهائية
Preparing for the final exams for our students of various types, ministerial, electronic, and Dp tests, urging students to work hard and focus, noting the important points, and the instructions given to the students. The final exam schedule is attached. We wish them...
Grade 10 Science- Taking responsibility of learning
There is ample research that points to the fact that when students are allowed to take greater responsibility for their learning, learning becomes fun and more relatable. As part of their preparation for their external examinations in the next few days, the grade 10s...
Grade 11 Global Politics
Grade 11 Global Politics students have just completed the Peace and Conflict unit and will sit for a Paper 1 exam next week. Paper 1 is a source-based exam and will draw upon topics from our current unit. During the week of May 19-23, Global Politics students will...
Preparing for End of Year Exams
The end-of-year exams start next week. Courses taken through Pamoja will have their assessments on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday. With the rest of their exams starting on Thursday, May 16th. There are many things that students can be doing to consolidate their learning...
The Head's Blog
I am sorry to have to let you know that because of visa related issues Carlijn will not be able to work with us at the school. We will miss her terribly and hope that we will be able to arrange things so that she will be able to join us as soon as possible. In the...
We ARE there already
"When will we get there?" It is amazing how few times we have heard this cry, yet it is common enough. ABIS students will undoubtedly remember the walking on this trip, lots and lots of walking, but most seem to understand that Paris is the destination, not the...
Our first day out on the town
The text and images here are the same as the email sent out to parents during the trip. An hour in the park, pizza for lunch, meet up with M. Cerdan's brother, who gave us a tour of several major sites including the avenue des Champs-Élysées with some incredible...
Parent Toddler Group
We would like to introduce you to a new initiative that will be starting at ABIS after the November break. If you know of anyone who might like to join our Parent Toddler group then please collect an information pamphlet from the school to share. If you have any...
Preparing for the future
University preparation and counselling is a hot topic at the moment in the Secondary school. Following our successful Grade 10 to 12s visit to Edutrac conference in Muscat, we are evolving our systems for preparing our students for university life. Currently, ABIS...
The school photos are ready!
Please use this post to view photos of your child. Click on these links below! We hope you enjoy the pictures. Please be aware that these are just low resolution thumbnail images and like previous years all will have the background removed and be enhanced in...
University Conference Visit
On Monday afternoon, students from grades 10, 11, and 12 took a trip to the Oman Exhibition Centre in Muscat to visit the EduTraC Higher Education and Career Expo. There they met and talked with university representatives from all over the world, including Britain,...
School Photographs 12-13 October 2015
On Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th of October 2015 Lensman Studios will be back at ABIS to take lovely pictures of all students. Like in previous years there will be several packages available. wallet size copies Individual portrait of size 6” x 8” individual portrait 8”...
Taking the CIS survey and sorry to bug you.
Thank you to the 84 parents who have supported the school by taking the CIS survey. We are sorry to nag and hassle you if you haven't, but you can see that we really value your feedback. The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Please go to the website:...
Another fabulous week at ABIS!
This week has been full of learning and students have settled in well to their new routines. I begin my post with some pictures from our assembly last week where our gymnastics teamed performed. Mr C has continued to give generously with his time and these girls have...
ABIS webshop- extended order period
The ABIS webshop faced some technical problems but is now up and running again. Therefore clothing orders can still be placed until the 3rd of October. This is for local supplies only. Parents who ordered will be informed when we receive the...
Parent Information Evening
Hi everyone. We would like to remind you that the Parent Information Evening is tomorrow, Monday 14th. ECC & Primary meetings start at 6pm in classrooms. Secondary meetings start at 6:45 in the SLS. While we know you are all very busy please try to be on time. We...