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So many things happen at ABIS and we love to share!TOK Essay
Last week the TOK essay titles were released by the IB. This week we began unpacking the question and started some great discussions that begin grade 12 student's journey on this important core task.
Music at ABIS Takes Flight!
This week was a whirlwind of musical exploration and discovery across all grade levels! Early Years embarked on a journey through pitch with vibrant rainbow glockenspiels, creating their own "staircase of sound." We also dove into a new song, fostering the learner...
Nessy platform
Dear Parents, We are excited to invite you to incorporate the Nessy platform into your child's daily routine! Nessy is a fantastic tool designed to help children improve their literacy skills through fun and engaging games and activities. By spending just 20 minutes a...
Grade 10 Art: Utopia Unit
In Grade 10, we are concluding the summative assessment for Criteria A: Knowing and Understanding as part of our first unit, 'Utopia'. The objective was to investigate and analyze inspirational buildings and architects using subject-specific language. Students were...
Week 3 in G1A
Students are settling into a routine and making new friends. We talked about what a friend is and how they treat us. We wondered if we were good friends- we TRY to be! Another focus this week was the Learner profile attribute: CARING. We discussed how we are caring...
Week 3 – An Awesome NEW Unit of Inquiry
Dear Parents, This has been a hugely exciting week in Grade 6 as we launched our new Where We Are in Place and Time unit of inquiry. The central idea of this unit is 'Human migration is a response to challenges, risks and opportunities. As a provocation to get the...
Exploring Internal Organs!
Dear Parents, This week we tuned into our new unit on the Human Body, all students were excited to explore and share their knowledge.
G5 Building Connections Through Stories and Child Rights
This week, students continued building upon their knowledge of beliefs and values through the story ‘The Name Jar’ by Yangsook Choi. After reading, students reflected using the following questions: -Was it difficult for the girl to decide to keep her name or change...
Grade 11 Chemistry: Pre-IB Chemistry-Experimental techniques
Grade 11 Chemistry students are progressing well in their pre-IB Chemistry course, building a strong foundation for their first unit. Their current studies aim to solidify essential experimental skills, crucial for success in higher-level chemistry. The class is...
Grade 12 Chemistry: Thermochemistry
Grade 12 Chemistry students continue their exploration of Thermochemistry, with a particular emphasis on "Reactivity 1: What drives chemical reactions?" This week, the class worked on collecting data to calculate the enthalpy of neutralization. They also...
ABIS Recycling
ABIS is excited to refresh our recycling program as part of our commitment to being more eco-friendly. We are setting up regular recycling pick-ups and will hopefully be holding sessions to help both staff and students learn more about recycling. We believe that by...
ASA: 2 + 2 = 5
We are off to a great start. We were able to divide the group into 3 separate smaller groups to work on skills by playing games. Games are relaxed way to practice foundational skills and learn to have a math mind-set. Please reach out if interested in playing some of...
Grade 3 find out Who We Are
This week we started exploring our new unit Who We Are. The students listened to stories and took part in some exercise videos and then made observations about how the felt and what their bodies were telling them. They asked questions that will help to guide our...
3rd Week in 1C!
This week, 1C had the pleasure of meeting the newest member of the ABIS family, Billy! The children were excited and had many questions about Billy and his life before joining ABIS. The students in 1C have settled in well, becoming familiar with their daily routines...
Week 3
This week, we had our first swimming lessons, and it was a huge celebration! The children had a fantastic time in the water. We would like to remind you that swimming lessons are an important part of our curriculum, and we want all children to participate. Please...
Grade 7 Science
Our Grade 7 students have embarked on their first MYP Science unit-How do scientists conduct experiments? The focus has been on the scientific method. This week, they had the chance to apply their learning in the lab, conducting experiments with various lab...
Adopting both group learning and individual learning with G2.
Adopting both group learning and individual learning provides a valuable opportunity to enhance students' understanding and increases their engagement in the learning process. .انتهاج التعلم الجماعي ، والتعلم الفردي يعد فرصة جيدة لتعزيز فهم الطلبة ، و يزيد من انخراطهم...
Strengthening the bonds of cooperation and effective communication with parents
In its commitment to strengthening the bonds of cooperation and effective communication with parents, Al Batinah International School organized a welcoming and informational meeting, attended by the parents of students. Teachers had the opportunity to meet with the...
Cooperative learning.
Cooperative learning is an educational approach that fosters interaction among students through teamwork and peer learning. This method provides students with the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences, thereby enhancing their understanding of the subject...
🎉 Pre-IBDP Chemistry at ABIS🔬✨Off to a brilliant start!
Our Grade 11 students have launched their IB Diploma Chemistry adventure with enthusiasm! By diving into pre-IB Chemistry resources, they've mastered crucial math skills necessary for IBDP chemistry, delved into key elements of the periodic table, and...
French in Grade 7
The Grade 7 class had a really good start of the year. Their French language skills are impressive after 2 years learning with Ms Nuria. Our first unit is about introducing ourselves, talking about our friends and describing our school equipment. During this unit, we...
The Head's Blog
Wishing Upon a Star
Congratulations to all the students, teachers, and parents who participated in and supported Thursday night's Cabaret. The show featured outstanding performances, a nice ambience, and some delicious food and drink. Even Mr. Lopez made a cameo on stage. Here is an...
Early morning exercise…in the rain!
This morning's running session was greeted by a first in five years of Early Morning Running--rain! After a fun, soaking 4 kilometers, the students, teachers, and parents in our club stayed outside for more exercise. What a blast!
Lights, cameras, ABIS!
We had a very successful visit from the filming crew this week. The company is called CSS Oman and they were here to shoot footage of the school for an upcoming promotional film. After two days of capturing so much of what we do, they were very pleased with the scenes...
Professional filming crew at ABIS this week
On Tuesday and Wednesday this week ABIS will host a professional filming company from Muscat. The team of six will be here to shoot footage of the school for a promotional video we are developing. They will be around the place before, during, and after school,...
ABIS Parking and drop off changed
As a result of our continuing expansion work, we have introduced a new temporary entrance to the school. You will no longer be able to gain entrance to the school through on the normal route but will instead be redirected to use a different entrance. When approaching...
Expansion follow up meetings
First of all, thank you so much to all of you who attended the meeting last week. It was good to see so many present. We will be holding follow up meetings to answer any questions that you may have as a result of the presentation. These will be held tomorrow at the...
No ASA’s this week.
There will be no ASA's this week. New forms will be coming home tomorrow, Sunday 29th November. Remember it is first in first served so please return forms promptly. New ASA's begin next week, Sunday 6th of December. A reminder about the Expanision News meeting to be...
I am sorry to have to let you know that because of visa related issues Carlijn will not be able to work with us at the school. We will miss her terribly and hope that we will be able to arrange things so that she will be able to join us as soon as possible. In the...
We ARE there already
"When will we get there?" It is amazing how few times we have heard this cry, yet it is common enough. ABIS students will undoubtedly remember the walking on this trip, lots and lots of walking, but most seem to understand that Paris is the destination, not the...
Our first day out on the town
The text and images here are the same as the email sent out to parents during the trip. An hour in the park, pizza for lunch, meet up with M. Cerdan's brother, who gave us a tour of several major sites including the avenue des Champs-Élysées with some incredible...
Parent Toddler Group
We would like to introduce you to a new initiative that will be starting at ABIS after the November break. If you know of anyone who might like to join our Parent Toddler group then please collect an information pamphlet from the school to share. If you have any...
Preparing for the future
University preparation and counselling is a hot topic at the moment in the Secondary school. Following our successful Grade 10 to 12s visit to Edutrac conference in Muscat, we are evolving our systems for preparing our students for university life. Currently, ABIS...