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So many things happen at ABIS and we love to share!Grade 2A News Broadcast!
Shoebox Autobiography Weekly Pictures Here Week four has been another successful adventure. The students are busy getting used to the routines and rules of the classroom. I am very happy to say that we are coming along great. The Shoebox Autobiographies are due...
Wk 4 – UN Summit of Empathy
UN Summit of Empathy Wow, that escalated quickly! Just a few days ago the G6 students were placed in one of six fictitious countries - each country was given very different living conditions with vastly different health care, education, work conditions, freedoms and...
Sounds and Shapes in G1A
Dear Parents and students We've had a busy four days, filled with learning! Sound work continues daily with students learning more sounds, saying words and forming letters in different ways. They are pleasantly surprising me at how quickly their writing is improving....
Busy Week in G3
Dear Parents This week students have been fully engaged in their learning and they are well settled in the class routines.
Exploring Famous People Who Positively Influence the World.
Exciting news for our Grade 5 students as we plan to have our first field trip of the year! On Tuesday 1st October, as part of our educational programme, the Grade 5 students will be participating in an educational experience outside of the classroom. This will be...
Nessy for Grades 2-6
As part of literacy that your child is doing at ABIS, the EAL department would like to introduce the Nessy Program. This is an online program designed to support students with their reading, writing and spelling and is particularly good for students with dyslexia or...
4th week in 1C!
This week, 1C students practiced their attentive listening skills by listening to their peers and sharing their peers' thoughts. In our Unit of Inquiry, the children had a great opportunity to interview each other, discovering their similarities and differences. We...
Week 4
Our current inquiry focuses on self-discovery, friendship, and the impact of our choices. The children have engaged in a creative project where they crafted dolls representing themselves, prompting discussions about what makes each of them special and unique. They...
احتفال طلاب الصف الأول بالمولد النبوي
A good week – next week a coffee morning for parents
Dear Parents, I hope this message finds you well. It’s been a productive week at school, with students working diligently and teachers fully engaged in their learning. It’s wonderful to see such a positive energy on campus. As the weather has been quite hot, please...
Great start to the year
We are now three weeks into the school year and what a wonderful three weeks it has been with this group of grade 10 students. They are engaged and focused and continually impress. We sat our start of the year diagnostic exam today and feedback will be issued next...
Service as Action in the MYP
Dear ABIS Community, Service As Action is an essential part of the MYP. It allows the students to demonstrate a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment. As an IB school, it is our...
فعاليات الاحتفال بالمولد النبوي
We strive to instill a love of reading in our students, granting them the freedom to choose what they read.
We strive to instill a love of reading in our students, granting them the freedom to choose what they read, allowing each book to become a journey of discovery fueled by their passion and enriched by their own unique summaries of what they've learned. نسعى إلى غرس حب...
Grade 8 MYP Science- DNA: Revealed!
This past week, the grade 8 science class continued their studies of cell division and growth. In a hands-on laboratory activity, students extracted DNA from strawberry cell nuclei to gain a deeper understanding of what lies within the nucleus. Being able to visualize...
It was a great pleasure to see the enthusiasm of the students and their parents in participating in the after-school activity titled 'Arabic Genius Club: Preparing the Young Reader.' They demonstrated remarkable eagerness and readiness in reading and summarizing. Some...
G10 Language and literature اللغة والأدب
This week, the tenth grade students underwent an electronic test to measure their levels and skills in self-organization and time management. The students showed great effort in interacting, preparing, and gaining new experiences that will support them during this year.
Grade 7 Science: IB Learner profile focus-INQUIRER
Lab photos that capture our moments in the lab this week. Grade 7 science students are currently studying the "Why and How of Scientific Experiments," with a focus on the scientific method. This unit emphasizes the IB Learner Profile trait of being an "Inquirer."...
Grade 12 Biology- Waiting To Exhale!
This past week, the final-year DP students focused their studies on gas exchange processes in the human body. They learned about the structure and functions of the respiratory system, including the lungs, trachea, bronchi and alveoli. Models and diagrams were used to...
Using your calculator efficiently
Key learning points Division can be inputted using different calculator buttons. A calculator can produce an error if not programmed correctly. A calculator reads the input in a specific way, brackets can help with this. Common misconception Students often forget to...
3rd Week of School News!!
We enjoyed another week in second grade. This week we had our first show and tell. It was very exciting to see what they brought in to share with their classmates. Next week Monday, we will choose our next two students for Thursday's show and tell. If your child would...
The Head's Blog
All Wet: Swim Gala 2016
Congratulations to all swimmers for yesterday's Swim Gala. The weather was perfect and the enthusiasm and school spirit were, as always, phenomenal. Congrats to the Blue Dolphins for taking first place! A special thanks to everyone who made the day possible, notably...
Some of our lovely staff members celebrating 'twin day' as part of the school's recent Spirit Week!
International Day 2016
Thank you to all ABIS parents for your amazing support. The night was an awesome success because of the massive turnout from our community. A big thank you to our big sponsors and local businesses in Sohar. Without your involvement this event would not be...
School Closed Today
Due to the weather conditions, the Ministry of Education has decided to close all schools today. Please take a look at the links below:
New ABIS promotional video!
You may remember that a professional filming crew visited ABIS in December to shoot video for a new promotional film. Well, we're happy to announce that the video is complete and we're giving the entire ABIS community a chance to see it before we make it public. We...
A very sad news
We regret to inform you that there has been a terrible accident in Palm Gardens complex this evening. As a result we will be holding 2 assemblies tomorrow morning. The first will be in the MPA at 8.30 and will be for students from Grade 2 to 6. Parents are welcome to...
International Day 2016
International Day is fast approaching and in order for it to be as successful as previous years we all need to be prepared. So we are providing a quick check list so you can dust off your costumes and start pulling out your recipes. Thursday...
Sports Day 2016
Well done to all students for another fantastic Sports Day. And thanks to everyone that made it happen, especially Mr. Carberry, Mr. Jacobs, the custodians, and Sohar Aluminium. Thank you to the parents who were able to be there and give outstanding support. ...
2015/2016 ABIS School Calendar
Please find below the calendar for the upcoming school year. We know many of you will be wanting to book flights soon so here are the dates you need to know. You might also like to note we have three weeks for our Winter/Xmas break next year. Please Click...
Applause is now in order: MUN Day 3
Point of Inquiry! Point of Personal Privilege! So yielded. That is not in order. The delegate yields her time to the delegate from Panama. Honorable chair. House, come to order. The committee rooms at the Model United Nations conference ring with the words of the...
Another day at the office: MUN Day 2
Greetings from Doha and the Qatar National Convention Centre, an enormous, beautiful complex which has to boast some sort of record for bathrooms per square meter. It's like looking for a petroleum station in Oman. Give it 30 seconds, you'll see one. Grade 10 did us...
This suits them well: MUN Day 1
You'll forgive our Grade 10 students if they were a bit startled as they reached the top of the escalator inside the Qatar National Convention Center: standing in the middle of the main area is a 10-meter high spider, a sculpture by Louise Bourgeois. It includes a sac...