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Grades 7 – 10
Highlights from this week..
Posts from previous weeks..
Bonjour, I am Madame Perin, the new French teacher. I am originally from France but I have lived...
Design – Over and Out
What a year for students, teachers and parents….. In fact everyone around the world has been...
Earth art in Grade 10.
After working so hard this year, Grade 10 students ended with a fun activity in which they learned...
Holiday times
incredibly, we have reached that time of the year when it is time to relax, kick back and enjoy....
Well deserved Holiday Time!
From being online to being at school, and back online again, we were able to learn together and we...
This week we have focused on mini projects to reinforce good design practices and have some fun....
Looking Ahead and Tuning In
The grade 10 have been looking forward to what the next 2 years will look like for their...
Final exams : الاختبارات النهائية
During this week, all the students took their final exams for Islamic and Social Studies, which...
It’s been a week of exploration for all students now that their summative assessments have been...
Summer Time and Teen Well-Being
I read this article this week and am sharing it with you now because it was so helpful to me as I...
Blackout Poetry
Contrary to what it sounds like, blackout poetry is not about blacking out from reading poetry....
Arabic MYP:advertising and media الدعايا والأعلام
During the last unit for G8 students about advertising and media and their study of how...
G9’s photo scavenger hunt.
Students in Grade 9 have finished their graphic novels and are now working on a mini-unit about...
Significant Individuals of the Ancient Greek Civilization in I&S
Grade 7 I&S students recently finished researching and creating presentations on significant...
G7 wraps up the year with printmaking!
Now that self-portraits are finished and all assessed tasks have been graded, students in Grade 7...
The 7th, 8th, and 9th grades have been working on the Aesthetics Unit using yoga as the activate. ...
Looking Ahead and Tuning In
The grade 10 have been looking forward to what the next 2 years will look like for their...
War and Medicine
This week grade 10 students looked at how war led to advancements in medicine. Our primary focus...
Testing Time of Knowledge and Understanding
The Grade 10’s have been sitting their end of MYP eAssessments these last 3 weeks with the last...
Communication through the language in the Arabic التواصل عبر اللغة
G7 students made a presentation to G5 students, employees of language communication skills, where...