Welcome to Grade 11 & 12
Highlights from this week..
Posts from previous weeks..
Coming soon at ABIS …..
Grade 7 Service as Action, read below. Thank you for your support.
Literary criticism النقد الأدبي
During this week, G9 students studied the standards of literary criticism for poetic texts, the...
How can I work hard in math?
Strategies for Difficult Math Problems — and Beyond Do something. Yeah, the problem is hard. ......
Grade 11 Biology
The grade 11s are fully immersed in their biology coursework now with each passing day. The...
DP Visual Art
The DP Visual Artists have been working hard on their individual final pieces - showing elements...
Grade 11 Chemistry: Rainbow flames!
The grade 11 chemistry class...
Service as Action – School supplies donation
Thank you to all who have already given! . We need more, a lot more! Here is a reminder...
Sold out!
The Secondary Student Council's first bake sale of the school year was a HUGE success! We sold...
Service as Action – Grade 9 advisory class.
In support of Takaful Charity located in Sohar. Up until October break, Grade 9 will be collecting...
A murder mystery
I am working on different strategies for permanent learning. Generally, it is relatively easy to...
What is Modulation?
For the past few weeks, the Grade 11 DP Music students have been diving into the foundations of...
Bake sale – Wednesday 4th Octobre
The Secondary Student Council is organising a bake sale on Wednesday 4th Octobre at break and...
Analysis of poems تحليل القصائد الشعرية
G9 students participated in analyzing some poetic poems related to the unit’s title (Rhetoric...
G11-G12 Physics and Math
India launches its first mission to the Sun: The Aditya-L1 craft will improve our understanding of...
Developing mathematical mindset
Flexibility and Conceptual Thinking Are Required When Working with Numbers We seek to discern...
Grade 11 Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)
Grade 11 students should now be engaged in meaningful CAS experiences related to one or more of...
Where Music and Mathematics intersect
For AOI 3 (Absolute Music), the Grade 12 DP Music students are learning about experimental and...
Word of the Day
As a vocabulary building exercise, I have instituted a "word of the day" competition in the DP...
Visualization and model building in Organic Chemistry
Organic chemistry is the study of carbon-based compounds and forms the backbone of life...
Grade 12 Global Politics
The Grade 12 Global Politics class has come back from the summer holiday with renewed motivation...