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So many things happen at ABIS and we love to share!طلاب الصف الرابع ودرس خبز ولبن
طلاب الصف الثاني ومشروع الأم الزائرة
استمتع طلاب الصف بزيارة والدة الطالب عمر البريكي التي قدمت لهم حصة رائعة مفعمة بالأخلاقيات التربوية
طلاب الصف الاول ومشروع الأم الزائرة
استمتع طلاب الصف الأول بزيارة والدة الطالب حسين حيث قامت مع ابنها بتعريفهم بحرف ح وقامت بعمل انشطة رائعة أضفت جوا من المرح واللعب IMG_1493
The journey of food
This week the students have been learning about the digestive system. They have identified and named the organs that make up the system and next week they will share their understanding of what happens during each stage of the process. We have an assembly next week...
G.10 Science💡🌍- Making a difference through service as action.
Our Grade 10 science students recently shared their findings from their service as action project on electricity consumption and energy efficiency. They researched, identified hotspots, assessed renewable energy options, and implemented strategies to reduce power...
G.11 Chemistry-Models of the particulate nature of matter.
After completing a four-week intensive review of Pre-IB Chemistry and achieving a successful summative assessment, grade 11 chemistry students are now starting their first unit based on the models of the particulate nature of matter. This week, they explored,...
G.11 and 12 Collaborative science project at Sohar Aluminium
ABIS would like to extend its sincere thanks to Sohar Aluminum for the invaluable opportunity provided to our Grade 11 and 12 students to visit their facilities this past week. This visit proved to be instrumental in the successful completion of our...
Week 6 in Grade 6
A short, yet important week in Grade 6 as we really push on with our new stand alone Literacy and Math units. To give us the space for these new focuses, we took a slight breather from our ‘Who We are in Place and Time’ unit of inquiry into migration. This also gave...
Benefits of reading at home with your children.
Finding time to read with your children can be challenging, especially if you have a busy schedule. However, it is essential to make time for reading because it can help your child's academic performance and develop their love for learning. Reading together is one of...
Week 6: 2+2=5
Greetings Mathmaniacs- This week in 2+2=5, students continued practicing math fact games to build automaticity. The younger group played Addition War with cards, the middle group worked on Fill in the Addend, and the older students focused on shapes.
Recycling at ABIS
This week, the G4 AAL students continued their learning journey about the ABIS recycling process and its various steps. The students collected recyclables from the designated recycling stations and transported them to the “Big Dog” for further processing. A truck had...
6th week in 1C
This week in 1C, we began show and tell, connecting it to our unit as students presented their favorite items. It was wonderful to see them share in their mother tongues, fostering a deeper sense of cultural understanding and connection within the class. We also...
Week 06
Each week, the Grade 1 students visit the school library, a wonderful time to boost their enjoyment of reading and nurture their love for books. Reading aloud at home plays an important role in this. By reading regularly, you not only expand your child’s vocabulary...
WIDA Scoring
If your child was identified as an EAL student, it means your child may need additional support in English, These students will take an English language proficiency test every year, until they test out of needing extra support which is usually level 4. Assessment...
Implementing group activities and teamwork with Grade 2 students
Implementing group activities and teamwork with Grade 2 students is a key part of motivational teaching strategies that foster collaboration and a sense of unity among them. These activities not only enhance their academic skills but also develop their ability to...
The Grade 2 students have begun implementing the ‘Who We Are’ unit in Arabic as part of our planned
The Grade 2 students have begun implementing the 'Who We Are' unit in Arabic as part of our planned curriculum for the International Baccalaureate program, while integrating it with the Ministry of Education’s curriculum. This approach aims to strengthen the students'...
Students are excited to see their AI-designed talking avatars
After-school activities provide a golden opportunity to foster a love for reading.
After-school activities provide a golden opportunity to foster a love for reading among elementary students. The students have shown remarkable enthusiasm and passion in utilizing this valuable time. With over forty students participating in this wonderful journey, it...
Coffee morning and workshops
Dear Parents, It was wonderful to see so many of you at our first coffee morning of the year. These gatherings provide a great opportunity to meet other parents, connect with Andrew and Matthew, ask questions, and learn more about your child’s educational experience...
First assessment coming up
We have had a wonderful start to the year for grade 10. We are analyzing films and this has been both engaging and fun. With the diagnostic exam finished and several weeks of study completed, we are now just finishing our first assessment. The students have chosen a...
Grade 8B Advisory:Digital media-How it hooks you!What can you do?
Grade 8 advisory explored digital citizenship with a focus on this guiding question: How does digital media try to hook you, and what can you do about it? Led by Ms Jo, the students explored the following objectives; Ways that different types of digital media are,...
The Head's Blog
Parking, pick up & drop off
We know that the current parking, pick up and drop off situation is not ideal and we need you continuing support and cooperation to ensure that the area is as safe as possible for all our children. Please remember to do the following: Drive no faster that 5kph in the...
Correction: School Closed on Thursday 27th as well!
We wanted to let you know that school will be closed on Thursday 27th April (not the 28th) for the Isra'a Wal Miraj holiday. We hope you are enjoying the last few days of Spring Break wherever you may be. See you on Sunday
School is closed on Thursday 28th
We wanted to let you know that school will be closed on Thursday 28th April for the Isra'a Wal Miraj holiday. We hope you are enjoying the last few days of Spring Break wherever you may be. See you on Sunday!
ABIS staff get fire fighting training!
This is one of the things that the staff do when students are not at school!
International Day Benefit
Thank you to all ABIS parents who generously ran food stalls at International Day. We managed to raise OMR 2415.975 on the night. A huge thanks to Orpic, Sohar Aluminum, Al Natlah, Radisson Blu, Crowne Plaza, Butterfly hotel, Tanuf and all other businesses...
Clothing Shop Open 20th March
The Clothing Shop will be open on Monday 20th March from 2.45 - 3.45pm by the stairs in LC1. Browse the sample stock prior to making online orders with our helpers.
Connecting with the Community!
When we arrived at a local Omani school near the Suk here in Sohar, ABIS Community Service students were warmly welcomed by the head mistress. Children, grades 2 and 3, gathered in the center of the school with anticipation, knowing that ABIS students were there to...
Tickets and More… International Day March 16th
Tickets Will be available from Sunday the 12th to Tuesday the 14th of March. Please request them at reception in the main building. Flags We would like to decorate the front fence with different national flags. If you have a big flag from your home country please...
Changes at ABIS
This is a special announcement in regard to changes relating to two key figures involved in ABIS’s development. With the formation of our new school Board, Nofal Al Saidi, a general manager at Orpic, has taken over as the Chair of the Board. Nofal has been working as...
Clothing Shop Opening
The Clothing Shop will be open on Thursday 9th March from 8.00 - 9.00 am by the stairs in LC1. Browse the sample stock prior to making online orders with our helpers.
Loads of wonderful things happening!
This year will certainly be the busiest year in the history of ABIS with so much happening it is difficult to keep up! Because of this, we decided to share this update with you halp you understand our plans and progress. Over the last months the school has achieved...
International Day 2017
Dear Parents, It's that time again! We will be celebrating International Day on the 16th of March. Dust off your costumes and please think about a group performance from your home country. Now is the time to start talking to your fellow countryman and arranging...