Welcome to
Grades 7 – 10
Highlights from this week..
Posts from previous weeks..
Grade 9 English
Grade 9 continued their study of ‘Animal Farm’. Over the last few weeks we have investigated the...
The holidays are upon us…
The last two weeks have been crazy busy. With sports day, music evening, personal project evening,...
Meet ABIS Student Council!
Here is our fabulous Student Council - primary and secondary. Our next events are 'Secret Friend',...
من سيفوز بكأس اليوم الدراسي ؟ Who will win the School Day Cup?
إيمانا منها بأهمية التنافس و التحفيز دشنت أستاذة كريمة السيد مبادرة( من سيفوز بكأس اليوم الدراسي...
التعزيز و التحفيز و دورهما في بناء الشخصية وتعديل السلوك .Reinforcement and motivation and their role in building personality and modifying behavior.
مشاركتنا في فوز فرقنا و ألواننا المفضلة هي مسؤليتنا جميعا سأحرص على كسب ثقة الجميع و أدعم...
التعلم الذاتي في اللغة العربية لرياض الأطفال Self-learning Arabic for kindergarten
نحن نحب تعلم اللغة العربية ...
English Language Learning in Grade 7
At ABIS, English is a tool for learning and a tool for talking about learning. Students in the MYP...
Grade 8 English and Individuals and Societies
In English students started reading 'The Outsiders,' by SE Hinton. They are noting the events,...
Picasso 3D – Grade 8
The Grade 8 Art students have now completed their Abstract final outcomes. They have made 3D art...
Personal Project Exhibition and DP selection evening
Hello! On Tuesday, December 6th - two important events for parents of grade 10 students. First,...
Fundamentals of your dream degree
Hello, please check out this great opportunity for students to learn more about university degree...
Music Concert on December 11th!
Remember that on December 11 at 5:00pm (17h) the ABIS Music department will be presenting a...
Building a concert for others
The Grade 9s are creating not just a small musical concert but one they can perform as a service...
Colours of Oman!
Happy National Day form the Grade 10 students and their advisors.
Grade 8 Clocks
In Design the Grade 8 students have been making clocks based on different countries and cultures....
Grade 9 Individuals and Societies
Grade 9 Individuals and Societies students have recently begun their next unit of inquiry on World...
G8 Service as Action خدمة المجتمع
During this week, grade G8 students visited Al Wafa and Al Amal center, where the students...
Proof – the heart of Maths
At the heart of Maths is a system of rules and facts that are indisputable. It is easier to...
Grade 7 English And Individuals and Societies
Since returning from the October break, students have been working on a new unit. This is called:...
Grade 9 Visual Art
The Grade 9 Art students have been thinking about their identity. They have taken inspiration from...