At the heart of Maths is a system of rules and facts that are indisputable. It is easier to observe patterns and make general observations than to ask why something is true. In maths a general rule based on observations or patterns is known as a conjecture. Just because we see patterns does not mean it is true for every possible instance. Until we know why and can prove the case for every example, we cannot accept that conjecture a s a fact (or theorems in Maths). Logic, reason and hard facts come together to prove theorems. It demands deep thinking, creativity and ingenuity. Many people fall short because the discipline of thinking through things requires effort – and let’s face it, it demands focus, resilience and effort. But for those that do get it, the challenge of exploring the world through questioning is a powerful and  possibly life-changing journey. It doesn’t guarantee and easy life (thinking can certainly bring you into conflict with those that don’t) but certainly a life that you are in control of. And isn’t that an amazing goal!