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Grades 7 – 10
Highlights from this week..
Posts from previous weeks..
Your Brain on Music
In Grade 9, in place of listening to Music (out of respect for Ramadan) we are learning about the...
service as action with Special needs students خدمة للمجتمع
G10 and G11 students participated this week in a wonderful work as a service to the community, as...
The Power of Perspective and Music
In Grade 8, the students have been looking at how Music can color our perspective of different...
Let’s talk! On discute!
Currently, the grade 7 and 8 French students are learning and practicing how to express themselves...
Grade 8 Science
The week was particularly busy for the students in Science. There was a lot of collaboration among...
Grade 9 Science
The grade 9s have been exploring the relationships that exist among biotic and abiotic factors in...
Grade 9 English
Students have continued their investigation into the voices from the past interdisciplinary unit....
Never underestimate the Power of Maths
I ordered a 9-inch pizza. The waiter brought me a 5 inch pizza and said the 9 inch pizza was not...
Grade 7 explore Indonesian Gamelan
In Music, the Grade 7s have been learning and exploring the sounds, timbres, and textures of...
E.Portfolio in the Grade 10
This week, the Grade 10 MYP Music students presented their compositions for their E.Portfolio...
We sow today so we can harvest every day ،نزرع اليوم لنحصد كل يوم
You were really great, leaders of Al-Batinah International School Thank you all حقا كنتم رائعون يا...
Grade 10 Natural Selection
As we approach the end of our unit on Natural...
Grade 7 English and Individuals and Societies
In English students have been continuing their poetry unit. They have identified and analysed...
On the sidelines of the student conference
Reem, from the fourth grade, explains to her mother about the cultural competition in which she...
Building a leader is more difficult than building a city. Our goal since childhood is to build distinguished students to be future global leaders
In implementation of Al Batinah International School's policy of building generations of future...
وصل حديثا / New Arrivals
مرحبا بالجميع تم تزويد المكتبة بعدد من الكتب العربية في مختلف المستويات The library is provided...
Literary arts الفنون الادبية
During this week, G7 students studied a type of literary text, which is how to write a play, the...
Congratulations to the students of the Quran competition
Congratulation to all our winning students in the holy Quran competition ,for their wonderful and...
The promotion is still there, continuing to search for more excellence.
Search and persevere in developing your performance to always be distinguished. مازال التعزيز...
Grade 8 Update
In English students have continued their investigations into newspapers by studying feature...