Welcome to
Grades 7 – 10
Highlights from this week..
Posts from previous weeks..
Welcome back to Art!
Hello ABIS community, I hope you all had a fantastic summer. I am looking forward to welcoming you...
Welcome to all from new Math Teacher
Welcome to school! It's so great to see you here. I'm looking forward to getting to know you and...
Welcome back to school!
It is the beginning of a new academic year and I hope you all had a wonderful summer break. I am...
Welcome to Grade 7
Hello Everyone, We hope that you all had relaxing holidays and are ready for the new academic...
A Warm Welcome Back!
Dear parents and students, Welcome back to ABIS for another wonderful year of learning. I hope you...
School’s out … for summer!!!!”
"May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet...
G7 Sohar Port Trip
This week the Grade 7 students visited Sohar Port. It was a very interesting experience, as the...
Crêpes, crêpes and more crêpes!
All MYP French classes have had they go at making crêpes!
End of MYP fun … bowling, food court and cinéma!
To celebrate the end of their MYP years, the Grade 10 went to Sohar City Centre for a day of fun....
Training courses دورات تدريبية
Seventh grade students shared some training courses with their classmates, where each student...
Grade 8 Science- A solid foundation laid
Finally, our unit on introductory genetics has ended with a research on Genetically Modified...
A little quiet space…
For teachers, it is a busy time of year and there are not enough hours in the day! But it also...
Congratulations to all the Music students!
Congratulations to all the students who performed yesterday! Your hard work, dedication, and...
Art Exhibition
The PYP & MYP students exhibited some of their Art pieces in the LC3 atrium this week. The...
The King is Dead! Long Live the King!
The Bayeux Tapestry is an 11th century piece of Romanesque art, which tells the story of...
It all happened this week in the French class!
With the grades 7 and 8, we played indoor pétanque. It was highly successful and we have some...
In the last week or so of the year, students have been investigating the features of World War 1....
Composing and Experimenting with Music Theory
The Grade 9s have been learning about the foundations of music theory and then applying them into...
Total Recall
Amongst the many strategies we employ to learn language in Grade 7, one that was both challenging...
Identity Portraits
Some of the Grade 9 students have now completed their identity final pieces - mixed media works...