Welcome to Grade 5
Highlights from this week..
Posts from previous weeks..
A very busy week in Grade 5! We hit the ground running with our preparation for today's assembly....
visual art (PYP)
it was an amazing week and we had a lot of fun, KG1 & KG2 did a beautiful craft for snail and...
انتهاء طلبة الصف الخامس والسادس من التقويمات المستمرة للفترة الأولى
لقد أنهى طلبة الصف الخامس والسادس التقويمات المستمرة الخاصة بالفترة الأولى من الفصل الدراسي الأول...
Grade 5 were pushed and pulled!
A busy last week of Term 1 for the Grade 5 students. They were pushed with full on Biography...
PHE Primary
Our primary students started their unit of work on invasion games last week. These games teach our...
Visual Art (PYP)
it was an amazing week and we had a lot of fun, KG1 & KG2 did a beautiful flower through using...
G5 Publishing House
A busy week for everyone as we start to wrap up our Who We Are unit of inquiry. Our biographies...
Art classes (PYP)
It was a great week with our lovely students, KG 2 did a hand printing for a flowers through using...
October is World Mental Health Month
October is world mental health month. In order to raise awareness, the school counselor would like...
VIP Visitors in Grade 5.
We were delighted to have parents back in the classroom sharing their expertise with our students....
Health-Related Fitness
Students from G1 to G10 have been inquiring into health and fitness-related concepts (ideas) over...
تطبيق عملي لدرس أقوال الصلاة للصف الخامس
قام طلبة الصف الخامس بتطبيق عملي لدرس أقوال الصلاة، وترجموا الدرس على أرض الواقع بالصلاة في الصف...
Which Communities do we belong to?
Our lines of inquiry are leading us to think about all the different communities that we belong...
Fantastic Fizah!
What a week! Library lessons with Ms. Maeve and a fantastic trip to Fizah as well as so much...
Week 4 in music
Hello all, Week 4 in music is done and dusted. We've been busy playing, singing and dancing as...
art classes (PYP)
it was a wonderful week, KG1 did an imaginary friend with their foot print, KG2 start using...
Our learning, for us, by us!
Please be advised that Thursday 29th September will be a Professional Development Day for teachers...
حلقة ذكر لطلبة الصف الخامس مع وحدانية الله تعالي ومشروع أسماء الله الحسنى
قام طلبة الصف الخامس بافتتاح هذا الأسبوع بحلقة ذكر في وحدانية الله تعالى والوقوف عند أدلة وحدانيته...
Swimming classes Begin in PYP
Swimming classes from K1-G6 just started this week and kids are so excited going to the pool. You...
art classes (PYP)
it was an amazing week, kG1 create a butterfly through mixing colors, KG2 create imaginary friend...