Welcome to Grade 1
Highlights from this week..
Posts from previous weeks..
Art classes (PYP)
It was a great week with our lovely students, KG 2 did a hand printing for a flowers through using...
October is World Mental Health Month
October is world mental health month. In order to raise awareness, the school counselor would like...
Grade 1 AW – Asking Questions!
As we make inquiries into Who We Are, so we are learning to ask each other questions to gain more...
Week 6 “What makes me special?”
For this Unit we have been exploring who we are. This week we looked at what makes us special. The...
Health-Related Fitness
Students from G1 to G10 have been inquiring into health and fitness-related concepts (ideas) over...
Week 5
We are enjoying our inquiry on who we are, making friends and the impact of our choices. The...
Grade 1 AW – Filling Our Buckets
We watched the story about being a bucket filler. We made our own beautiful buckets that we will...
Week 4 in music
Hello all, Week 4 in music is done and dusted. We've been busy playing, singing and dancing as...
art classes (PYP)
it was a wonderful week, KG1 did an imaginary friend with their foot print, KG2 start using...
G1 AW Week 4- We can all be unique
We read the story about Elmer the patchwork elephant who wanted to be grey and fit in. He then...
Swimming classes Begin in PYP
Swimming classes from K1-G6 just started this week and kids are so excited going to the pool. You...
art classes (PYP)
it was an amazing week, kG1 create a butterfly through mixing colors, KG2 create imaginary friend...
week 3
This week we focused on social responsibility. We asked each other questions like: “What if...
Grade1 AW- Lots of letters and Words
Letters make words! Words tell a story … we talked about and drew our family. Then we discussed...
Art classes (PYP)
https://abisoman.com/broadcaster/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2022/09/font-design-word-art-happy-kids-watercolor-illustration-176112772.jpegthank you ABIS students for your amazing job this week, we had a great time with KG 1&2...
Week 2
The first unit of this school year is ‘ Who we are’. That fits perfectly with getting to know each...
G1 AW Learner Profile: Caring
Caring for ourselves. Caring for others. Caring for our classroom. We have been working on our...
art classes through the week (PYP)
THANKS everyone for the amazing week, i really enjoy my time with all of you, i hope you feel it...
The first week in Grade 1.
As you all know we started this week in the "Mazoon" for an introduction of this new school year....
Grade 1AW- We Are Number 1
We have enjoyed getting to know each other and familiarize ourselves with the school routines. We...