service as action with Special needs students خدمة للمجتمع

G10 and G11 students participated this week in a wonderful work as a service to the community, as we hosted 15 students with special needs who brought them happiness, as we organized many events and sports activities for them with the help of Miss Dorothy, and one of...

Grade 9 Science

The grade 9s have been exploring the relationships that exist among biotic and abiotic factors in the ecosystem. This exploration led to a presentation by each student in order to enforce their research and communication skills. It was great to see students come up...

Grade 9 English

Students have continued their investigation into the voices from the past interdisciplinary unit.  They have studied how events have been related by people directly involved in events through diaries and memoirs.  Students have inquired into how newspapers report...

On the sidelines of the student conference

Reem, from the fourth grade, explains to her mother about the cultural competition in which she won the Research and Excellence Award  f rom Mrs. Karima Al-Sayed الطالبة ريم من الصف الرابع توضح لوالدتها مشاركتها في المجلة الثقافية الأسبوعية و فوزها بكأس نجم الأسبوع...