Grade One-Assembly Week, Measuring and Research

Doing research about insects and ways we can look after the planet.    . It was very tricky to measure the length of the big white board. The boys worked together using tape to hold it in place. It was fun to work together to ESTIMATE and measure different lengths....

G1 Are Real Inquirers And Researchers

Making our Butterfly Life Cycle projects. Seeing How Mr Greg makes compost at school. Thank you Mr Greg. This is so interesting! Only the seeds in the shade with water sprouted! Maite suggested that this was because water melon likes to grow in the shade?!     Ali...

Working Together in Grade One

STP-Seeds, Composting and Living Things in G1. We are working together collaboratively to create a poster, presenting ways we can Share The Planet.   We enjoyed making insect puzzles, individually or collaboratively with our friends.       Doing RESEARCH and FINDING...