Chemical Electrolysis in the Science Lab

In grade 12 chemistry we completed our unit on Electrochemistry with a pair of lab activities allowing us to see the power of electricity to create pure substances: we made oxygen and hydrogen gas from water and we made pure lead from a sample containing lead ions....

ABIS Arts Showcase in 3…2….1….

Its almost here!!! On Sunday, December 12, the ABIS Arts Showcase will go LIVE! This website will only be published for a short period of time so don’t miss it! Check out the budding artists in the Primary, the emerging Sound Editors in the Secondary, and the...

DP Math

Close to mid-year and a lot to do! Grade 12s have to submit a topic for IAs and commit to developing that research as soon as possible. We literally have 3 months to submit final copies of IAs so the pressure is on! Students, please submit your final topics for IA by...