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Grades 7 – 10
Highlights from this week..
Posts from previous weeks..
Grade 8 MYP Science- A great start!
This week in 8th-grade science class, students continued their study of cell reproduction and...
Who knew advertisements were so intriguing? Grade 8 students do.
Grade 8s have been honing their analytical skills by studying various print advertisements. As a...
The Beginning of MYP for Our Grade 7 Advisory
We have had a very fulfilling fortnight with our Grade 7 Advisory group. Last week, our students...
5 minutes sculpture inspired by Picasso
As part of our Grade 8 Visual Art unit on Picasso's 3D abstract forms, students began their...
Music MYP and DP week 2
Dear Parents, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to provide you with an update on the...
Welcome back from the counselor
Dear Secondary Parents, A warm welcome to those of you who are new to ABIS, and a heartfelt...
Welcome back to Grade 8A!!
I'm so excited to welcome you all to the Grade 8A advisory group! It's been a long summer, and I...
G.7-Here’s to a new start to the MYP Science / Math Journey! 🚀
Wishing the grade 7 students all the best as you embark on your MYP Science and Math adventure!...
Welcome back Grades 8 and 9!
Welcome back, grades 8 and 9! We're excited to have you here for another year of learning and...
Grade 8 MYP Science
Greetings students and welcome to IBMYP Grade 8 Science class! I hope you all had an enjoyable and...
Grade 9 MYP Science
Greetings Grade 9 students! It's so wonderful to see many familiar faces from our time together...
الصف السابع يتعرف على نظام الدراسة في مادة اللغة العربية (MYP)
تعرف الطلبة على نظام الدراسة في الصف السابع في مادة اللغة العربية وذلك من خلال شرح النظام والبدأ...
start to New School Year انطلاقه لعام دراسي متميز
"The first week of the school year has been exceptional thanks to your outstanding efforts and...
Week 1 for Grade 9 in English
Grade 9 students started this week by creating introductory posters about themselves for me to get...
MYP and DP Music
Dear Parents, I am writing to share the positive and productive start to the week for our...
It’s time to relish now!!
British mathematician E.C. Titchmarsh: "If we can know, it surely would be intolerable not to...
Spirit week-Fun and happiness!
The "Spirit Week," was indeed packed with fun and happiness in our classes! We wish our students a...
Grade 10 Celebration: Farewell to MYP!
The Grade 10 students at ABIS celebrated the end of their Middle Years Programme (MYP) and bid...
Grade 7 Science- Yes, we made it!
What a remarkable transformation I've seen in you all over this year! When we first started our...
Grade 10 Science- Safe adventures!
What a journey this year has been! We've covered so much material in our class - from cells to...