Welcome to Grade 6
Highlights from this week..
Posts from previous weeks..
visual Art (PYP)
it was a wonderful week, we had a lot of celebration, thanks for all our students to have this...
Meet ABIS Student Council!
Here is our fabulous Student Council - primary and secondary. Our next events are 'Secret Friend',...
من سيفوز بكأس اليوم الدراسي ؟ Who will win the School Day Cup?
إيمانا منها بأهمية التنافس و التحفيز دشنت أستاذة كريمة السيد مبادرة( من سيفوز بكأس اليوم الدراسي...
التعزيز و التحفيز و دورهما في بناء الشخصية وتعديل السلوك .Reinforcement and motivation and their role in building personality and modifying behavior.
مشاركتنا في فوز فرقنا و ألواننا المفضلة هي مسؤليتنا جميعا سأحرص على كسب ثقة الجميع و أدعم...
التعلم الذاتي في اللغة العربية لرياض الأطفال Self-learning Arabic for kindergarten
نحن نحب تعلم اللغة العربية ...
visual Art (PYP)
it was a wonderful week, KG1&2 did a beautiful crown for a giraffe and they learn how to draw...
2022 2023 G6 The Week in Review Wk12
Dear Parents and Students, Another productive week 🙂 Reading and writing This week students have...
Music Concert on December 11th!
Remember that on December 11 at 5:00pm (17h) the ABIS Music department will be presenting a...
The happiness of belonging to the homeland, Oman سعادة الانتماء للوطن عمان
!ما أعظم الأوطان جميل أن يشعر الأطفال بالانتماء للوطن ، والأجمل أن يشاركوا الآخرين هذا...
G6 Wishes You A Happy National Day; Week 11 Highlights
Dear Parents and Students, Firstly, wish you all a wonderful 52nd Omani National Day. What a...
احتفل طلبة الصف السادس بطريقتهم الجذابة بالعيد الوطني الثاني والخمسين
قام طلبة الصف السادس بالاحتفال بالعيد الوطني الثاني والخمسين بطريقتهم الجذابة، من خلال العروض...
visual art (PYP)
it was an amazing week and we had a lot of fun, KG1 & KG2 did a beautiful craft for rainbow...
2022-23: G6 Week 10 in Review
Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to a review of our first week back after the term 1 break. We...
visual art (PYP)
it was an amazing week and we had a lot of fun, KG1 & KG2 did a beautiful craft for snail and...
انتهاء طلبة الصف الخامس والسادس من التقويمات المستمرة للفترة الأولى
لقد أنهى طلبة الصف الخامس والسادس التقويمات المستمرة الخاصة بالفترة الأولى من الفصل الدراسي الأول...
2022 2023 Grade 6 Week 9 In Review
Dear Parents and Students, It's hard to believe that Term 1 is already over. Time does fly! ...
Time to pause and reflect…
It has been a hectic term. Full time face-to-face teaching and learning. The pressure to catch up...
Why study Maths?
At its core, Maths is a "set of rules" we create to play a game. So in order to play well, we need...
PHE Primary
Our primary students started their unit of work on invasion games last week. These games teach our...
Visual Art (PYP)
it was an amazing week and we had a lot of fun, KG1 & KG2 did a beautiful flower through using...