Welcome to Grade 5
Highlights from this week..
Posts from previous weeks..
2023 will be Out of this World!
Welcome to 2023! Wishing you all a Happy New Year and hoping you had a fantastic break. I was very...
A great start to a new term بداية رائعة لفصل دراسي جديد
إنها حقا بداية رائعة لفصل دراسي جديد مع طلاب الصف الأول و نشاط ملحوظ بعد إجازة الشتاء It really...
Library statistics!
Dear Parents and Students We all know that ABIS has a great library of more than 12,000 titles!...
House Team Reading Competition In Oman
Dear Parents and Students, Congratulations! At the end of the Competition, the score was: Thanks...
Happy Winter Holidays!
Thank you all for a fantastic end to 2022! I'm looking forward to spending time with my family who...
All the Best; Always
At this time of the school year, I gauge the success of my approach to teaching and community...
A well deserved break!
Thank you so much to all parents and visitors who came to our Learning Celebration to see our Rube...
Concerts, Construction and Congratulations!
Congratulations to Mr Peter, Ms Sanaa and all Grade 5 students on their amazing performance at...
Meet ABIS Student Council!
Here is our fabulous Student Council - primary and secondary. Our next events are 'Secret Friend',...
من سيفوز بكأس اليوم الدراسي ؟ Who will win the School Day Cup?
إيمانا منها بأهمية التنافس و التحفيز دشنت أستاذة كريمة السيد مبادرة( من سيفوز بكأس اليوم الدراسي...
التعزيز و التحفيز و دورهما في بناء الشخصية وتعديل السلوك .Reinforcement and motivation and their role in building personality and modifying behavior.
مشاركتنا في فوز فرقنا و ألواننا المفضلة هي مسؤليتنا جميعا سأحرص على كسب ثقة الجميع و أدعم...
طلاب الصف الثاني الابتدائي
التعلم الذاتي في اللغة العربية لرياض الأطفال Self-learning Arabic for kindergarten
نحن نحب تعلم اللغة العربية ...
visual Art (PYP)
it was a wonderful week, KG1&2 did a beautiful crown for a giraffe and they learn how to draw...
WARNING! Construction Ahead.
The teams have started building their Rube Goldberg machines! Watch this space for more...
أفعال الصلاة في الصف الخامس
قام طلبة الصف الخامس بتطبيق عملي لدرس أفعال الصلاة ،موضحين الأخطاء التي ممكن أن يقع فيها المصلي...
Grade 5 wish you a Happy 52nd Oman National Day!
It has been so great to meet so many of you at the 3 Way Conferences this week and celebrate the...
Cooking lessons and some pictures
Last Sunday we - Saskia, Brenda and Cora - started cooking classes. The mini-chefs cooked real...
The world of colors with ABIS عالم الألوان مع طلاب
حقا كانت متعة النظر إلى ألوان الطلاب (أحمر أخضر أصفر و أزرق) شيقة و رائعة أشعرت الطلاب بالتجدد و...
visual art (PYP)
it was an amazing week and we had a lot of fun, KG1 & KG2 did a beautiful craft for rainbow...