Welcome to Grade 4
Highlights from this week..
Posts from previous weeks..
الصف الرابع يحتفلون بطريقتهم بالعيد الوطني
فرحة العيد الوطني ترتسم على وجوه الطلبة في الصف الرابع ويحتفلون بطريقتهم العفوية والطفولية ورسمت...
الدراسات الاجتماعية
طلاب الصف الرابع تحدثوا في هذا الاسبوع عن المساجد الكبيرة الموجودة في وطنهم عمان واهميتها...
Week 12 – Kindness Confetti
Salam Alaikum lovely people, Please click here to see photos from this week. Highlights of this...
Library House Team Competition
Dear ABIS Families, I'm excited to announce our Library House team competition, which aims...
Educational initiatives and competitions in our mother language “Arabic”مبادرات ومسابقات تعليمية بلغتنا الأم “اللغةالعربية”
Competitions and motivating educational initiatives are of paramount importance in enhancing the...
Google sites for music
Hello all, Please see the PYP Google sites for music so you can practise for the winter...
How beautiful!!! ما أجمل هذا
A special day at Al Batinah International School, colorful and cheerful clothes, expressing the...
Week 10 – What if everybody did that?
Yabba- Dabba- Doooo! We are off to the races! A great week finishing off projects, cheering on...
Secondary students present Time-based Art
On November 13 at 6:00pm, secondary students will be presenting Coffee House, a time-based Arts...
استمرار حلقات التلاوة في الصف الرابع
استمر الصف الرابع في تنفيذ حلقات التلاوة وفي هذا الأسبوع عقدنا حلقة تلاوة سورة الانفطار وأخذنا...
التيمم في الصف الرابع عمليا
قام طلبة الصف الرابع بالتطبيق العملي لدرس التيمم بعد الوقوف عند الدرس بالشرح النظري انتقلنا في...
Coming soon at ABIS …..
Grade 7 Service as Action, read below. Thank you for your support.
We invest all our capabilities to ensure an environment that stimulates good behavior.نحن نستثمر كافة الإمكانات لضمان بيئة محفزة للسلوكيات الحسنة
Moral values and good behavior play an essential role in shaping children’s personalities. They...
Improving spelling skills with Nessy.
Dear parents, all our primary students from G2 up to G5 have access to the platform Nessy. This...
Week 8 – Rising Action
Salam Alaikum to all families, As we are nearing the end of this term, our learning has been on...
التطبيق العملي لدرس تحية المسجد في الصف الرابع
قام طلبة الصف الرابع بالتطبيق العملي على حديث تحية المسجد وتنافس الجميع على المشاركة في الحصة مما...
Service as Action – School supplies donation
Thank you to all who have already given! . We need more, a lot more! Here is a reminder...
G4 Week 7 – Everyday people can be Role Models
Hello Families and friends, Empathy happened to be our theme this week and we are concluding this...
Sold out!
The Secondary Student Council's first bake sale of the school year was a HUGE success! We sold...
Study by playing and passion for learning. G 1 الدراسة باللعب وشغف التعلم
Using multiple strategies to teach the Arabic language with grade1 makes them learn with passion,...