Artwork critique

In Grade 7 Art, for our *Color and Emotion* unit, we are now working on the final criterion: Reflection and Evaluation. The goal is for students to step out of their role as artists and become critics, engaging in a thoughtful conversation that brings new light on...

التعليم عن بعد مع طلبة الصف السابع

قام طلبة الصف السابع بالتعليم عن بعد في يومي الثلاثاء والأربعاء نتيجة الظروف المناخية السائدة التي أثرت على استمرار سير عمل المدارس في المنطقة لتعويض زمن التعلم بدلا من فقدانه ورغم التحديات التي واجهتا سارت الأمور على خير مايرام فتمكن ولله الحمد جميع الطلبة من حضور...

And it is a wrap!

The Grade 7 French students finished their first unit very successfully! They were assessed on their receptive skills, reading and listening, as well as on their productive skills with a speaking project. They all did really well. For the dialogue, I was highly...