Rhythmic Speaking

Some students in G1 have been learning to speak the poem “Red Ones, Green Ones”, which we decided is about apples, even though it doesn’t same “Apple” once! Today, we looked at cards and organized them. Next time we will flip them over...

Kinder-Music is exciting!

Students in K1, K2, and K3 have been having fun moving around in musical activities in their first week of the school. In between hopping, marching,  stomping, and tip-toeing, students have practiced sitting in a circle, echoing Mr. G when he makes different...

ABIS “Olympic” Arts Evening

Yesterday, May 18th, the K3-G12 students displayed their many artistic skills for friends, family, and faculty. Showing off their achievements in dance, music, and the visual arts, students from almost every grade level at ABIS worked together to create an event that...