Welcome to Grade 2
Highlights from this week..
Posts from previous weeks..
Week One!
What a busy week we had. Class 2SA (Ms. Sylvia’s class) had a week of getting to know each other...
Back to ABIS. العودة إلى مدرسة الباطنة الدولية
After spending their beautiful summer vacation, the students of Al-Batinah International start...
(PYP) Visual Art
Hello everyone, I hope you have a great holiday and it's time to show off as a little artists....
New PYP music room
Welcome back, PYP! I have moved into a new space, and have been busy getting it ready. It's a...
Welcome to Grade 2!
Dear Parents, I hope this email finds you well and that you are ready and excited for your child...
Welcome to Grade 2SB
Dear Parents, I hope this email finds you well and that you are ready and excited for your child...
Grade 2 Last day!
Happy holidays to all our grade two families. Hope to see you back at ABIS in August.
After the success of their special exhibition, they deserve a time of rest and fun.بعد نجاح معرضهم المميز طلبة الصف الثاني يستحقون وقتا من الراحة و المرح
All thanks and appreciation to the students of the second grade today for their efforts with...
Theater Showcase
The Snow Ninjas finished the year strong and hosted a TheaterShowcase to perform different stories...
Grade 2 Week 37 -38
What a beautiful joy they are at the end of their school year!ما أجمل فرحتهم لقرب انتهاء عامهم الدراسي
We finished our studies and as I promised them time to play with them. Their joy was...
Why should our students be risk-takers?
Why should our students be risk-takers? This week I would like to focus on a learner profile that...
Congratulations to all the Music students!
Congratulations to all the students who performed yesterday! Your hard work, dedication, and...
Good teaching is more about asking the questions than giving the right answers. يدور التدريس الجيد حول طرح الأسئلة الصحيحة وليس إعطاء الإجابات الصحيحة
One of the best and most successful active education strategies is to ask a question correctly and...
Making a House Into a Home
The Snow Tigers know how to turn a shelter, a house, into an incredible, creative, cozy, living...
Grade 2 Week 35
Preparing Dramas Rounding numbers to 10 Candy Maths...
We are proud of them نحن فخورون بهم
We enjoyed the performance of kindergarten students today in celebrating with their parents what...
Throwback Thursday
A reflection on the great year we had! And still 2 more weeks to make excellent memories!
Activating students’ guidance towards self-learning and meaningful discussion in the learning process . تفعيل توجيه الطلبة نحو التعلم الذاتي و المناقشة الهادفة في عملية التعلم
Part of grade 1 self-learning, with guidance.جانب من التعلم الذاتي لطلبة الصف الأول مع...
A Week in the Life of a PYP Coordinator
A Week in the Life of a PYP Coordinator One of the reasons I so enjoy my job, and have enjoyed...