
This week, I want to share with you again a poem from a Grade 10 French student about migration. For those who understand French, you will appreciate how she used the language to convey the harsh reality of a migrant’s travelling experience and the emotions...

At home and learning!

Dear ABIS community, I hope this post finds you safe and well. Last night was scary for all and I hope that those in need received the necessary support. Despite being at home, the French students did their very best to complete the work set on google classroom. Grade...

New and old book drive happening soon!

Takaful, a local charity involved in helping families in need in Oman, has contacted us to ask for our help in collecting as many new and old books, both in Arabic and English, that will be sold during a book fair in Sohar. All the proceeds from this book fair will go...

Poisson d’avril!

On April 1st, the Grade 7 French students played pranks on some of their friends and teachers, following a French tradition of sticking paper fish on someone’s back. They did manage to prank quite a few people, receiving mixed reactions in return!