Welcome to Grade 6

Highlights from this week..

EPIC The free reading platform

Boost Your Child’s Reading Fluency & Comprehension with Epic! 📚✨ Looking for a simple and fun way to help your child become a stronger reader? Epic! is a fantastic digital reading platform that makes learning engaging while improving fluency and comprehension....

Week 7 of the PYP-X in G6

Dear Parents, Thank you to those parents who came in to Grade 6 this morning. I hope it was an interesting experience to talk to the different students and to see how their Exhibition inquiries are evolving. We have now completed week 7 of our 10 week PYP Exhibition...

This Week’s Musical Adventures at Al Batinah International School

This week, the music room at Al Batinah International School was alive with rhythm, movement, and melody as students across all grade levels engaged in exciting musical explorations. From discovering new songs to developing their understanding of rhythm and notation,...

ABT سلسلة تقيمات مهارات اللغة العربية في الصف السادس

قام طلبة الصف السادس خلال هذا الأسبوع بسلسلة تقيمات مهارات اللغة العربية الأربعة ( قراءة، واستماع، وكتابة وتحدث) ، وقد بدأوا بتنفيذ سلسلة الاختبارات من الأحد إلى يوم الأربعاء, ومن خلال الوقوف مع الطلبة ومحاورتهم عن كيفية سير الاختبارات الالكترونية لهذه المهارات...

Week 6 of the PYP Exhibition

Another short but dynamic week in Grade 6. There are so many exciting things going on in the grade at the moment as we enter into the second half of our Exhibition products. Some of the highlights this week in Grade 6 include…. Market research for Hot Chocolate,...

A Glossary of Reading Skills for Parents

As your child’s reading skills grow you will probably hear many different reading terms. Here are some words and phrases that your child’s teacher may use or you may read about in information sent home. Phonemic Awareness is when kids understand that sounds come...

فتح مساحة واسعة للتركيز على التعبير الكتابي في الصف السادس

قام طلبة الصف السادس بالتركيز على التعبير الكتابي من خلال تقوية نقاط الضعف مع تقديم تغذية راجعة مكثفة لكل طالب على حدة على حسب نقاط الحاجة الخاصة به، والتوسع بعد ذلك لتشجيعهم على التوسع في أفكارهم المطروحة والعمل على ربط هذه الأفكار وتسلسلها وإدخال عنصر البلاغة...

Posts from previous weeks..