by Magz BRAY | Aug 31, 2023 | EAL, Grade 7 - 10 (MYP), Grade 8, Secondary English, The Grades
This week in Grade 8 we took a gamified approach to developing academic language, critical thinking, communication and collaboration ATL’s.
by Magz BRAY | Aug 24, 2023 | EAL, Grade 7, Grade 7 - 10 (MYP), Secondary English, The Grades
What is Individuals & Societies (I&S)? Grade 7 Language Acquisition/I&S class got off to a strong start this week. Students are confidently using visual thinking routines and translanguaging strategies. They are strengthening their self-management and...
by Oscar DASS | Feb 16, 2023 | Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 11 & 12 (DP), Grade 12, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 7 - 10 (MYP), Grade 8, Grade 9, Music, Secondary English, Secondary History, Secondary Maths, Secondary Music, Secondary Science, Secondary ToK, Secondary Visual Arts, The Grades
Academic Honesty What is expected of you? We have had a disturbing trend in grades 7-8 regarding authentic work by students. I suspect that there may be students in other grades that skate a thin line between academic honesty and plagiarism. Let’s set the...
by Magz BRAY | Nov 28, 2022 | Grade 7, Grade 7 - 10 (MYP), Secondary English, The Grades
At ABIS, English is a tool for learning and a tool for talking about learning. Students in the MYP & DP need to become proficient users of English as an Academic Language both verbally & in its written form. Over the last week or so in Grade 7, we have been...
by Andrew JOHNSON | Sep 8, 2022 | Grade 7 - 10 (MYP), Grade 9, Secondary English
In the first two weeks of term Grade 9 has revisited the underlying approaches and expectations of MYP. They have started their fist unit which has travel as its topic. Students will be reviewing many different genres of literature related to travel and asking...
by Andrew JOHNSON | Jan 19, 2022 | Grade 7 - 10 (MYP), Grade 8, Secondary English
In English Grade 8 students finished their unit on fitting in by creating a poster. They analysed a character from ‘The Outsiders’ and compared it to their own personality. This term we have started studying newspapers; inquiring about why they exist and the impact...