Start of a new academic semester filled with challenges, let’s challenge ourselves to make it more enriching and enjoyable than ever before. KG2 بداية فصل دراسي جديد مليء بالتحديات، دعونا نتحدى أنفسنا لنجعله أكثر إثراءً ومرحًا من أي وقت مضى

Let’s renew the passion and enthusiasm in every learning opportunity. Let’s be like silver butterflies, exploring a vast world of knowledge and learning from every experience. We will be one team, supporting each other on this wonderful journey towards...

Successful Start, Continuous Passion, Noteworthy Activity،The upcoming period titles of the new academic semester.

  This is How the first day of school was after the wonderful winter break that renewed our energy and passion. هكذا كانت بداية اليوم الدراسي الأول بعد عطلة الشتاء الرائعة التي جددت فينا نشاطنا وشغفنا تمنياتي لكم بفصل دراسي ملهم ومليء...

Honoring the winners of the Arabic Language Initiative.تكريم الفائزين في مبادرة اللغة العربية

Thank you to my dear students, and a special thanks to Al-Batinah School and our Head of school MR: Dominic  for nurturing talents and honoring the outstanding participants in the Arabic language competition. This experience has been inspiring and fruitful, showcasing...

Comfort ، mental health, and well-being are enhanced when changing the classroom environment from time to time.يتم تعزيز الراحة والصحة العقلية والتركيز والرفاهية عند تغيير بيئة الفصل الدراسي من وقت لآخر.

Motivating students, improving memory, fostering interaction and diversity in teaching methods, promoting comfort, and enhancing mental health are all outcomes of changing the classroom environment, creating a more enriching and stimulating learning experience. إن...