In an exciting development for grade 9 science students, a new unit on the elements of the periodic table and chemical bonding has been introduced. This unit encompasses the culmination of the four units studied throughout the year, namely acids and bases, ecology and ecosystems, electricity, and magnetism. As part of this unit, each student has been assigned a specific element to explore, digging into its unique properties, uses, and impacts. This assignment will contribute to their criterion D formative assessment and also showcase their research and communication skills. To deepen their understanding, students will engage in hands-on lab investigations that focus on exploring the properties of these elements, with a particular emphasis on reactivity and how bonding influences various properties. Through these practical experiments, students will gain valuable insights into the fascinating world of chemistry and its practical applications.

At the conclusion of the unit, students will undergo a summative assessment in criterion A, evaluating their knowledge and comprehension of the material.