Dear parents,

We invite you to give us feedback on the quality of the recent progress reports and parents evening (3 Way Conference). A number of teachers, students and parents have been influential in the design of the new progress reports with the goal of improving them over last year but we are seeking further feedback.

There will be four school reports a year – two will be short mid-semester progress reports and two will be longer end of semester reports, which is normal for an international school. The progress reports will briefly inform you about how your child has settled into the new semester and mainly focus on their approach to learning, effort and organisation, whilst the semester report will expand on this and include much more detailed information on what they are learning and their achievement levels, similar to a traditional school report.

Please click on or copy and paste into your browser the survey link below, which should only take a few minutes to complete:

Thank you very much for taking the time to give us feedback. We thank all parents who have already given us input.