by Ann Gaillard | Sep 14, 2017 | Front Page, School Photos, Secondary Team Leader
A busy week has come to an end. Aside from our regular classes, we had our back-to-school night, photo sessions and fire drill. Thank you to all parents who came to the Parent Information Evening last Monday. We have received some positive feedback on how you had...
by Ann Gaillard | Sep 7, 2017 | Front Page, School Photos, Secondary Team Leader
Dear Parents, We are looking forward to seeing you on the 11th of September for the Parent Information Evening. Parents’ evenings help you to play an active role in your child’s education as they give you the opportunity to develop a better understanding of our...
by Ann Gaillard | Aug 31, 2017 | Front Page, School Photos, Secondary Team Leader
Week 2 of the school year is rather short but extremely productive. There is a real buzz in LC 2 (secondary building) as students begin to feel more comfortable in their new learning environment. Students have already set their first goal for the year, which they have...
by AbduNabi Dakhili UTHMAN | Sep 22, 2014 | Library, School Photos, The Grades
Monday got off to a great start with Mr Tomalin telling us a story. Mr Tomalin didn’t read a story but made one up using characters that the children had suggested. What a great way to start the day. </a Thanks for our buddies for reading to us. Grade 5 and 6...
by Wayne Hampton | Nov 21, 2013 | ECC, Front Page, Grade 1, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Kindergarten 3 (ICS), News Flash, PTA, School Photos, Secondary Team Leader, The Grades, The Head's Blog
Dear parents, Please use this post to view photos of your child. Click on these links below! The password for the Broadcaster is “parents” Sibling & Family Photos (2013-2014) Class Photos K1-G6 (2013-2014) Group Photo Secondary (2013-2014) Individual...
by Wayne Hampton | Mar 27, 2013 | School Photos, Secondary English, Secondary History, Secondary Maths, Secondary Science, Secondary Team Leader, Secondary Visual Arts
For some reason everyone at school seems to be exhausted! I can’t think why. Maybe it has something to do with nearing the end of half term and swimming Gala on Monday, in which Secondary students gave 100%. It was great to see the commitment and determination...