Online learning – reflections

Dear Parents and Students, As we spent the last two days in front of our computers or iPads, there are a few reflections. Generally, the lessons went well; however, the students raised concerns about the need for short, perhaps 5-minute breaks between lessons to have...

8A Adaptability

Well done 8A- you adapted admirably to the sudden online learning experience! Feedback from of of your teachers has been extremely positive. Once again, I’m super proud of you all. Thank you for always turning up, being so polite and being willing to learn! Have...

KG2 Week 8

This week, we explored the ‘n’ sound in Jolly Phonics, which is represented by the sound an airplane makes – “nnn.” To make this learning experience fun and hands-on, we helped the students create their own paper airplanes. As they flew their...