Welcome to Grade 2
Highlights from this week..
Posts from previous weeks..
We stayed safe , challenged the circumstances with kindness behind the screens, and continued the learning journey.
We challenged the circumstances with kindness behind the screens. ....
Rainy Day Week
I hope this newsletter finds you and your loved ones doing well. It has been an interesting week...
Class 2A Weekly News Flash
Weekly Pictures Here What an exciting week we had. Sunday and Monday were normal days, but it took...
Reading Tips for Your Kindergartner
Reading Rockets is a wonderful resource for tips and information on reading and anything relating...
Spaces and our well-being
This week we began our new unit of inquiry: How we organise ourselves. In this unit we will be...
Developing literacy skills through meaningful conversations.
We all know that reading and writing are essential skills for our children's success in school and...
Exploring Rhythms, Instruments, and Songwriting
Week 7 in Music at ABIS Exploring Rhythms, Instruments, and Songwriting Week 7 in Music a7 ABIS...
Grade 2 visits Grade 7 – Myth stories
This term grade 7 students in MYP Language and Literature have analysed myths from a variety of...
Class 2A Weekly News Flash
Weekly photos link here. We are excited to share with you that we have completed our first Unit of...
Reading Tips for Preschoolers
Often, as parents we wonder how we can best support our children at home. Here is a page of tips...
We used this week a variety of educational strategies aligned with 21st-century skills.
We used this week a variety of educational strategies aligned with 21st-century skills, including...
Rhythm, Rhymes, and Reflection! 🎶 A Week of Musical Adventures in Week 6! 🌍
Week 6 in Music at ABIS What a fantastic week of musical exploration it's been! From tapping toes...
An educational field trip to Sultan Qaboos Mosque.
This week, the grade 2 students went on an educational field trip to Sultan Qaboos Mosque, where...
Class 2A News Flash!!
Weekly Pictures Link UOI #1 is coming to an end. The Journey was wonderful and I am excited for...
Final week for Who we are
This week we have finished up our current unit of inquiry: Who we are, we had a long discussion...
طلاب الصف الثاني ومشروع الأم الزائرة
استمتع طلاب الصف بزيارة والدة الطالب عمر البريكي التي قدمت لهم حصة رائعة مفعمة بالأخلاقيات...
Benefits of reading at home with your children.
Finding time to read with your children can be challenging, especially if you have a busy...
Week 6: 2+2=5
Greetings Mathmaniacs- This week in 2+2=5, students continued practicing math fact games to build...
WIDA Scoring
If your child was identified as an EAL student, it means your child may need additional support...
Implementing group activities and teamwork with Grade 2 students
Implementing group activities and teamwork with Grade 2 students is a key part of motivational...