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Wrapping Up An Unforgettable Year – KG Rocks
Dear KG Families, It's truly astonishing that we have reached the last broadcast of the year. Once...
What a beautiful joy they are at the end of their school year!ما أجمل فرحتهم لقرب انتهاء عامهم الدراسي
We finished our studies and as I promised them time to play with them. Their joy was...
Why should our students be risk-takers?
Why should our students be risk-takers? This week I would like to focus on a learner profile that...
KG 1 Miss Erasmus – Week 36
WEEK 36 Dear Parents and Guardians of KG1, It is difficult to believe that we only have one week...
Ms.AlJabri Week 36
Dear KG2 Families, We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the families who joined us...
KG2 Mrs Nicholson – A Snapshot of Week 37
Dear KG2 Families, It is difficult to believe that we have only one week left before school...
Good teaching is more about asking the questions than giving the right answers. يدور التدريس الجيد حول طرح الأسئلة الصحيحة وليس إعطاء الإجابات الصحيحة
One of the best and most successful active education strategies is to ask a question correctly and...
We are proud of them نحن فخورون بهم
We enjoyed the performance of kindergarten students today in celebrating with their parents what...
KG 1 Miss Erasmus – Week 35
WEEK 35 Dear Parents and Guardians of KG1, Thank you to all the parents who attended our Learning...
Ms.AlJabri Week 35
Week 35 Dear KG2 Families, We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to all the families...
Activating students’ guidance towards self-learning and meaningful discussion in the learning process . تفعيل توجيه الطلبة نحو التعلم الذاتي و المناقشة الهادفة في عملية التعلم
Part of grade 1 self-learning, with guidance.جانب من التعلم الذاتي لطلبة الصف الأول مع...
KG2 Mrs Nicholson A Snapshot of Week 35
Dear KG2 Families, This week, our little learners were filled with excitement as they went on a...
A Week in the Life of a PYP Coordinator
A Week in the Life of a PYP Coordinator One of the reasons I so enjoy my job, and have enjoyed...
Moments of confidence and enthusiasm in the last assembly on the stage of kg2 studentsلحظات من الثقة و الحماس من طلبة التمهيدي في أخر إذاعة على خشبة المسرح هذا العام
KG2 students presented a paragraph entitled Why do we love Al Batinah International School?...
ALL of Us – Open-mindedness
One of the main things that drew me to become an IB educator were the core values and beliefs that...
KG 1 Miss Erasmus – Week 34
WEEK 34 Dear Parents and Guardians of KG1, Thank you to all the parents who attended our assembly!...
KG2 Mrs Nicholson A Snapshot of Week 34
Dear KG2 Families, We want to express our gratitude to all who joined us for our assembly today....
Ms.AlJabri week 34
Week 34 Dear KG2 Families, We hope you're doing well as we enter the month of June, the last month...
The school’s interest in encouraging external participation in educational activities .اهتمام المدرسة بتشجيع المشاركات الخارجية في الأنشطة التعليمية
In order to enhance the activities of the Arabic language on its International Day this year, the...
Individual learning and its importance in foundation.التعلم الفردي ودوره في المرحلة التأسيسية
Adopting different methods of education would be a good help in establishing, and creating a...